Our kids would be cute. If they looked like me they'd have straight, shiny, spectacularly pretty brown hair. I dye mine but that doesn't mean I don't like it. On our kids, it'd be cute.
Or maybe they'd be blonde like Miles. His hair is like his Dad's hair, probably a little darker. His mom sometimes dyes her hair blonde too but it doesn't look as good. There's no telling her that if you're me, she has too much hate that she pretends isn't there and would think I was slamming her.
I have enough reasons to look at her as a thorn that I don't go for the petty things, but trying telling her that. She wouldn't buy it at all.
I think their eyes would be blue. My family has a lot of blues, greens, and browns, but Miles' family is bunches of blue and nothing else. So eye color swings in his favor, hair color is up in the air, and height ends up being short if they're like Miles and tall if they're like me.
If I was pregnant, I'd be praying they had my nose. His is looks like a dog tried to eat it. They can have his lips, or his long eyelashes, or something else that looks right. I don't know. His teeth are nice.
But none of this is going to happen anyway because Miles doesn't want kids!
Lorelai Howell
Original Character
240 words