Generation four of
The Round Robin Legacy,
Our Home Amongst the Stars by
iceraptoress, is up. The heir goes to me this time, so if you really like me *wink, wink*
you'll head over there and vote for Nyssa. You're free to vote for anyone you want, of course, but you'll be denying me the experience of playing with a female romance sim, which is my favourite type of sim to play, hands down. I also have a story in mind for her already, so if she doesn't win that goes down the drain. *flails*
She also likes gardening, and has recessive red hair, and I can tell she really, really wants to live in Veronaville. So she doesn't have the alien recessives, but I have a feeling she might not need them to see them in the next generation. *wink, wink, wink*