I owe a lot to the cc-makers, for sure. A lot of the build mode content came from Garden of Shadows (or creators that usually reside there), which really helped with the overall look of grunge and decay. The Garden is my best source of clutter, too, which all came in very handy for Ripp's apartment.
The PSP storyline is interesting and dark and I quite like it. I've been working out ways to use it that don't go quite to the some extreme, like with Vidcund selling Pascal's alien child to further his own research (which makes less sense when he has alien children of his own, for starters). I do like the overall drama these storylines create, but I don't think they give the characters their due. Tank and Vidcund get reduced to pure villains, when I think they're much more complex than that. And I think they're both essentially good people, despite their (many) character flaws.
Thank you. ^_^ Writing this has gotten me excited to write more S,HWC. I'll soon be nearly the part where some of the same (or similar) storylines begin to emerge. I just need to finish of the Veronaville tangent first, and I'm nearly there.
The PSP storyline is interesting and dark and I quite like it. I've been working out ways to use it that don't go quite to the some extreme, like with Vidcund selling Pascal's alien child to further his own research (which makes less sense when he has alien children of his own, for starters). I do like the overall drama these storylines create, but I don't think they give the characters their due. Tank and Vidcund get reduced to pure villains, when I think they're much more complex than that. And I think they're both essentially good people, despite their (many) character flaws.
Thank you. ^_^ Writing this has gotten me excited to write more S,HWC. I'll soon be nearly the part where some of the same (or similar) storylines begin to emerge. I just need to finish of the Veronaville tangent first, and I'm nearly there.
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