Sims 2 Battle Royale

May 18, 2010 10:37

I've been giving this idea some more thought, and if you can stomach the idea of a story where they (mostly) all die, it makes for some very interesting exploration of the teen characters in Sims 2. There are so many factors that could be considered. And, if you know me at all, you know I have no problem with killing characters ( even ones I really like), so this side project is right up my alley.

The class roster would look like this:


1. Dustin Broke
2. Tybalt Capp
3. Justin Cleveland
4. Rick Contrary
5. Dirk Dreamer
6. Ripp Grunt
7. Tank Grunt
8. Jacob Martin
9. Mercutio Monty
10. Romeo Monty
11. Gavin Newson
12. David Ottomas
13. Johnny Smith
14. Puck Summerdream


1. Hermia Capp
2. Juliette Capp
3. Miranda Capp
4. Tara DeBateau
5. Violet Jocque
6. Ginger Newson
7. Ophelia Nigmos
8. Jules O'Mackey
9. Angela Pleasant
10. Lilith Pleasant
11. Sandra Roth
12. Melody Tinker

There are a couple more guys than girls, but it's mostly even. It's alphabetical, and the players are released in this order (as in the original story), alternating by gender. This adds an element of chance to who might be able to meet up with who, and who might get separated from their friends. Of course, being with your friends isn't even always a sure bet in these circumstances, so that would have to be considered too. Who's more likely to lose trust in their friends and break under the pressure?

Some people have obvious skills that would benefit them, such as Tank's military training, Dustin's criminal experience, and Violet's athletic ability. Then there's the teen angst, of which we have plenty. Plenty of love triangles, stolen boyfriends, sworn enemies, and sibling dynamics. Tasty, tasty stuff.

I'd love to chat about it some more with anyone who's interested, especially where some of the less known teens are concerned. I've played all of these kids, but some obviously more than others. The bin sims and Melody are more difficult, because they don't have any specified relationships with the other teens. I can get a little creative there, but I'd like to keep things very true to the game storyline for this (including the sim bios, so expect a very fearful and slightly hypochondriac Ophelia, an heroic Johnny, and so on).

I'm going to set it up so they've all just started senior high in a new school, combined into one class for the first time, so the sims from different hoods would know each other, but only a little. All the baggage of the neighborhoods will remain intact. They will all be assumed to be the same age, since they're in the same class (and I have no interest in making slight distinctions between the ages of sims in the teen state).

So what do you think? Any thoughts?

side projects, short stories

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