Why do I do this? Oh yeah, I love it!

Mar 27, 2010 13:47

Now I know why I was procrastinating on the final few scenes for the next chapter. I just spent far, far too much time putting together a dinner party scene (aka one of the best cheap and easy sim storytelling tricks to fit a large group into a single scene). If the fourteen (!!!) sims weren't enough, I also couldn't resist making the biggest spread ever for the meal. I think it's my recent reading of Forking Fantastic by Zora O'Neill and Tamara Reynolds that's to blame. It really gets me wanting to host a giant haphazard dinner party. (Random trivia: I read cookbooks and food writing more than any other type of book. I just can't get enough of it.) My sim dinner involved many, many shiftatble OMSPs to pile high the food, and thank heavens for the freezer clock and its ability to freeze time and prevent food from going bad. Without these tools, my meal would have been impossible!

And... *holds breath and checks Irfanview folder* my pics actually turned out! It's a good day.
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