Download: Maxis Match Eyebrow Default Replacement Edit

Nov 11, 2009 18:19

Are there any others out there who love Maxis-match, but hates the textures on the default bushy and tweezed eyebrows? If so, I'd like to share a cc recommendation and my own little default replacement edit with you.

I've been considering this project for a while, but then recently found Aquilegia's wonderful default replacement eyebrow set, which replaces that awful thick texture with the texture from the brushed brows. It was like a wish come true! Being the super finicky sort, though, I wanted the tweezed brows to stay the exact same shape as the game default (because, you know, having the shape of Frances or Johnny's eyes change wouldn't really work for me). Then I remembered a set by Oepu that had done exactly that. I had downloaded them a while back, but then sort of forgot about them in the way I forget about most of my cc brows. *cue the lightbulb over my head* With a few tweaks in SimPE, I had my perfect custom brow replacement set.

This is a Maxis-match eyebrow default replacement file that I created to suit my own preferences, using Aquilegia's replacement as a base, keeping her updated bushy brows, but replacing her new tweezed brows with the edited tweezed brows by Oepu. Since both creators are very open and generous with their policies, I was able to do this edit (you have to love that, right?). Since cc is for sharing, I'm offering it here for anyone who happens to share my specific tastes. If not, try Aquilegia's original default replacement eyebrow set. It's super cool. (And also check out her additional set of cc eyebrow meshes retextured to be Maxis-match.)

Who better to model these than the brow-tastic Mr. Doe? Those are, from left to right: bushy brows (by Aquilegia), tweezed brows (by Oepu), and combed brows (original Maxis).

(Also, before anyone asks, I've been playing around with skin/facial defaults. I'm giving some thought to making my own Maxis-match blend.)

Download (Box)

Download (SFS)

I have added an updated SFS link and have removed the special characters from the file. Please beware of duplicates.

downloads, cc

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