Drabble: Love

Mar 31, 2009 12:22

Prompt: Love
Character: Tank Grunt
Wordcount: 100
Imagecount: 0
Warnings: references to sexual situations

I did this one for music_simbol, since she mentioned it yesterday and got me thinking on it again. It's not as detailed as you had suggested (it's only 100 words, ya know?), but that will come later. For now, you get this drabble.

He wasn't aiming for love.

In all honesty, Tank considered love to be a little too much to ask for. It was a little out of his reach.

Right now, he'd settle for the sort of night where you never saw the person again, and wouldn't want to, because you'd done things that only animals would do. To look at them in the light of day would ruin everything. The illusion would be shattered.

But that was his libido speaking. His heart wanted more. It wanted the “hands pinned to the headboards” abandon, but also the comfort that came afterwards.

drabbles, character: grunt

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