Strangetown: outtakes and reflection

Feb 12, 2009 22:09

Hey, guess what?

I must admit that this is more outtakes than reflection. I don't have a whole lot to say right now, because I'm quite mentally (and also physically) tired. It's been a busy week. I will be back to respond to comments and such, though.

It's been so long since I posted outtakes, I decided to act on the urge to do them right away. I hope you have a giggle or two.

Romance sims always get a reaction from the crowd. I especially love Frances and Beau's synchronized swoon.

And here they go again.

I almost used this one, but it was just too silly.

Ripp's not really sure what to make of it.

But Johnny's here now, so he doesn't have to worry about it.

Ripp: JOHNNY! :D *plus plus*

Privacy is pretty hard to come by at this dorm.

Dormie: God, get a ROOM!

Creepy cafeteria guy: *makes some rough sketches*

They will not be deterred, however!

I literally LMFAO when I read this.

Ripp is asking Beau out on an outing, because Frances gave him a tip. Oh, Ripp. You are something else.

It really is just an outing, though, with some of Ripp's closest friends: the other two sides of his triangle, his brothers, Franny, and Johnny's Mom. Oh, Ripp. Really? His MOM?

Beau: Hey, Franny's here! Cool!

Frances and Beau agree that Ripp is pretty hot. Again.

Beau goes a step further this time.

Beau: Congratulations on being a hot piece of ass.

Ripp: *plus*

Beau: Holy Simoleans, you are HOT!

Ripp: *plus plus*

Oh dear Lord, not another one.

Ophelia has mysterious sexy powers, you guys.

Johnny stinks, btw. I think he was playing sports back at home the last time I saved.

Ripp decides to sidle up to Jenny for some motherly approval.

Notice Frances putting the moves on Beau back there.

Also, notice Tank. He sees something he likes...

And it's Jenny. Oh dear.

Jenny had better be talking about the price of oil going up back there.

Jenny: Oh, just lovely. Let Mommy take a picture of you two.

Ophelia and Ripp: *plus plus*

Frances and Beau are still at it back there. The boys never stop, I tell you.

Beau: EWWW! Johnny stinks!

Ripp: Don't say that, you meanie! *minus*

Johnny: So you think you can dance?

Autonomous breakdance battle! :D

Oh, and they have some cheerleaders too. Awesome.

Ophelia thinks she feels the urge to sneeze, but it ends up just being the urge to jump on Ripp and ride him like a wild stallion.

Frances decides to compliment Ripp about his "good reputation."


Whatever it was he complimented him on, it seems to have greatly disturbed Tank.

Frances: Johnny stinks! Please REMOVE him from my presence now!

Frances: P.S. Tank is hot.

This one doesn't really even need a caption.

Poor Johnny. Is that how he finds out that Ripp is boffing Ophelia too?

Zombie alien bartenders with mohawks make the best drinks. Try one, and you'll agree.

Hey, a girl can dream, right?

All Tara gets is a smack to the head by Crystal Vu. Just look at that face! I wouldn't mess with her.

They became enemies all on their own. I'm so proud of them.

Random townie: Hey, chill out and eat some CHIPS!

Here's the kiss I didn't show. They're so sweet, I get cavities.

I was getting seriously annoyed by how many Smiths and Curiouses showed up while they were at the rink. Attention whores, I tell you.

Vidcund sure can dance though. *snicker*

Beau: Ka-CHING!

*tsk, tsk*

And they thought they were alone...

That poor townie teen is scarred for life.

These boys obviously do not care at all about PDAs.

Exhibit B.

Kendall is not amused.

(Or maybe she is, and she just likes to watch. I'm not sure.)

Ophelia certainly seems to appreciate a little hot boy-on-boy action.

They do tend to draw a crowd.

By this point, I'm just shaking my head at them.

Beau: *struts*

Beau: *reconsiders*

Crumplebottom: This goes against good taste and morals!

Crumplebottom: You awful, awful boy!

Did he learn his lesson?

I doubt it.

Frances certainly didn't.

When he lets loose, he REALLY lets loose.

There was also this.

The boy's gone wild.

Look at Gunnar over there, getting some action too. Must be the sexy robe he transitioned into.

Did I mention that they only have two bolts? The romancing, it never ends!

(Frances wisely decided against the slightly flamboyant purple suit. Not that it mattered, in the end.)

And, finally...

Take a deep breath.

Are you ready for this?

Ummm, Frances.... that's the WRONG Broke! D:

Beau is surprisingly chill about it. The devils seem so pleased about it too. So wrong.

(I just clicked on the wrong one. :P I didn't save, obviously, because Beau got jealous and angry. But who can blame him for that?)

See how I made Dustin's bigger, smjoshsims ? *snicker* I've heard the rumours.


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