Random Adventurings

Jan 23, 2011 20:44

I have a bunch of extra time randomly so I'll post one more of some of the random adventuring I've been doing...

Emilie and I took an incredible trip to NYC for the winter solstice and had an absolute blast!
We wandered around in Central Park for a while and it was Cooooooold but beautiful and sunshiney...

This tree was so beautiful and speckley...TREE LOVE <3

<3 Alice <3

I tried to get the Mad Hatter to hoop with me... but he just kept talking me in circles..I figured, close enough... =P

We went to the Metropolitan Museum of art and found this really neat mirror piece...

Emmie <3

Underground subway mosaic animal art... WHHHAAAAT???? soo good...


*so excited*

I got to perform fire dancing for a friend's winter solstice party... =D

Going out to see our friends' cover band play... =)

Dancing at the show! =D

Whiskey New Year's Eve!!! <3

One hell of a midnight kiss! =D

Happy New Year Faces and bottles of champagne for all!

Right before the best dubstep show EVER...

Photo shoot with pretty ladies for Kimmy's Oddball show in Ptown =D

Snow storm spiral of awesome!

Snowy Adventures


snowlace in my mouthhole <3

I'm a lioness hear me ROOOOOAR!

peeeing love <3

girlies getting ready to go out...

Coolest necklace EVER! Gina's Christmas party! =D

Super cute doubled!

So much love!

i was soooo sleepy that night..

I love this man! <3

Now for the NSFW section... =D
Bathroom Shoot!

Plasterization Fun!!!
*plaster up yours*

Murderously Plastered...

"i shall eat your soul with my miiiiiiind" =P

Painface 1

I'm going to paint this natural colors to look realistic, turn it into a strappy shirt and lacquer it...

Painface 2! =P


I shall leave you with a blast back to the summer...I was tagged in a Gathering of the Vibes album being a fool like I do =P

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