Happy Birthday to The Man!

Feb 21, 2005 06:49

Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday dear Aaaaaa-lan,
Happy birthday to you!

Also, belatedly:

Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday dear Toooo-ny,
Happy birthday to you!

What a wonderful weekend! Thursday night started it off with the nekkid!James episode of "Manchild" on BBCA. Friday was, well, Friday-ish and I got new glasses ala Harry in "Love Actually". I'm so excited that my face is skinny enough to look good in them. Saturday was my sister's 25th birthday - she's officially "almost thirty" now, which is what she called me from age 25 on when she was just a 'twee 18 year old. Neener neener neener. Sunday was Anthony Stewart Head's 51st birthday - we called the holiday Ashmas but never got around to truly celebrating (ie watching all two of the Giles-centric Buffy episodes and the musical.)

But today, TODAY, is the bestest holiday evah! No, not President's Day (which it is here - must remember the banks are closed and the mail won't come) but it's Pudgemas! Wee haa! Alan Rickman's 59th birthday.

He is only three years older than my parents and 27 years older than me (waaah). And taken - did I mention that part? Oh well, I know of lots of other people with unrequited/unholy longings.

So to celebrate today, the wondrous holiday of Pudgemas, we'll be watching our newest purchase of "Galaxy Quest" compleat with deleted scenes. We'll probably watch "Prisoner of Azkaban" as well, because I become a puddle of goo at the DADA/werewolf scene. Yeah. Page 394 and all that. Then the Free Willy scene from Dark Harbor. Then the "bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses" bit from "Sorceror's Stone." Then probably some stuff from "Robin Hood." Then "Dogma."

And everything else I want to see is on order at Amazon.

Happy birthday, Alan. May you have so many more.
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