Here's one of my big beefs about my co-workers.
I had two major surgeries in 2004 - one planned and one unplanned (read: emergency.) I was off a total of seven weeks, during which I used up three weeks of vacation and one week of sick time so I wouldn't have to spend a lot of time on short term disability (at 60% of my salary.)
Now, it goes without saying (usually) that seven weeks off work recuperating from major surgeries does NOT equal a vacation i.e. good times. Yet, for some sick and twisted reason, my co-worker (one in particular; we call her You-Know-Who, she's that bad) thinks I am livin' it up when I'm on sick leave. She's gone as far as saying it's HER turn to have surgery so she can get some time off.
Fine. I hope she needs hemorrhoid surgery.
Anyhoo - to "punish" me for all my time off this past year, both You-Know-Who and my boss decide to take their vacation from December 23rd through January 3rd, leaving me all by myself in the department. That's all right, because monkeys could do my job, but it's as if they're saying that now I'm back from lollygagging around they're FINALLY able to go on vacation.