Dec 05, 2006 01:37
laura needs an early night, and for someone to do her washing up... dinner = bad + bourbons = good :D. when my candle burns down to the number 3/4 i will go to bed, have been at work tonight, was sucky started off all quiet then got all busy so we couldnt start cleaning up early :( and people kept moving the furniture, i hope they burn in hell lol im going to do oodles of work tomorrow. ARGH have just read that my logo assessment is tomorrow, shitty balls! im not gunna get it done as im knackered and am not up for an all nighter right now. oh well i cant get much more behind then i am now might aswell try get as much as i can done tomorrow for thursday and next week. been working at the pub four days in a row now and tomorrow night and thursday night but at least i have this wkend off, matt be coming down to see me :) i so happy, someone to do my washing up lol i joke, i want christmas!