Online study of paranormal experiences

Oct 13, 2007 16:52

This is a genuine research study, not intended as spam - apologies if it's inappropriate to the community!

If you are interested in spiritual,religious, or paranormal experiences, please consider taking part in a study being carried out online by researchers at the Experimental Psychology department at the University of Bristol, UK.

If you have had one or more paranormal/supernatural, religious, or spiritual experience(s) (no matter how small) in your life, and you are over 16, you are eligible to take part. You don't have to be spiritual or religious, just to have had any experience that current science doesn't satisfactorily explain!

The study involves filling in short questionnaires at your leisure online, and takes about 30 minutes in total. The study is *completely anonymous*. Not even your email address is required! If you take part, please complete a consent form and *all three* questionnaire forms (so four forms in total, see links below for more info) and answer all the questions. Each form takes about ten minutes; you don't have to fill them all out at once.

If you are interested in taking part in this study, which is fully endorsed by the University of Bristol's Ethics in Human Research Committee, please click one of the following links:

 Go straight to the instructions and questionnaires
More information at the study's Livejournal community,

Contact the researcher at

The consent form will shut down automatically after completion, so you may want to make a note of the addresses of the three questionnaire forms. They are:
Form 1:   
Form 2:  
Form 3:

Thank you for your attention!
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