a relatively enjoyabe day

Oct 30, 2008 21:27

So, today wasn't bad. This was the first therapy session that wasn't incredibly painful, and I managed to look my therapist in the eyes the whole time (usually I talk to the floor and my hands) so I consider that a big win.

I had Family Fun Time! It didn't suck! My adorable cousin is turning 8 on Saturday, and she begged me to take her to see HSM 3.... clearly I HAVE to take her. What kind of sicko would see it three times in a week deny a child such as imple pleasure? Ahem.

Also, my sister sent me books! She's my favorite (dude, if you're reading this: SEND MORE. AM BORED.) and I'm glad we chatted today. Even though I can barely get a word in edgewise half the time. Sigh. She's still awesome though. (SERIOUSLY NEED MOAR BOOKS)

What else? I ate an apple today. This might sound like an everyday occurence, but this one was truly monstrous. It was the size of an infants head. I kid you not. And I ate every sweet delicious morsel of the apple. Om nom.

What else? Good lord, nothing happened today. i cleaned some windows. I ate a truly monstrous... oh wait, said that already. My life is pretty boring of late, tbh, *shrugs*

books:my saving grace, food is good for you, cheer up emokid, family fun time

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