March has been a lot about karate and getting ready for my first tournament fight. So there has been a lot of training and not so many pictures. But here are the first two weeks of February ininstagrams
Can’t wait for April ❤️
#avengers #avengersendgame #endgame
Fun Lovin Criminals at Vega
David making peanutbutter chicken with noodles ❤️🥜🐥🍽 👌🏻
#fantastiskedavid #børnikøkkenet #børnekok #peanutbutterkylling
I finally went to the hairdresser It was way over due 💇🏽♀️
I’m tired following a hard training session. It does seem more intense leading up to the tournament at the 30th where I’m fighting. Plasma is helping me chill ❤️🐈
Home after a couple of hours training at the honbu dojo at Bogø. 1 week to my fight(s)
#kyokushinkarate #kyokushinjinzendo #knockdownkarate #jegsparkerrøv #bscup
Triple protection for today’s 2-hour kumite - fight training. Could have used the triple protection in other areas as well it seem now ❤️🥋
#kyokushinkarate #kyokushinjinzendo #knockdownkarate #bscup #jegsparkerrøv #kamptræning