Jun 06, 2005 04:09

dude, you would neven believe what we would do for a pack of newports... ONLY CHAIN SMOKERS IN THIS BYTCH! check it... me, rolly , abk , and bridget (<~non smoker)had no newports or bud so we went on THE fuking mission of the centary... we walked 2 miles too the farm store (there are 5 farm stores in this story.)but check it the plan waz too jack a few packs of newport... we walked all the fukin way there too come to find out theres a fuking sg there... WTF! SEINCE WHEN DOES A FUKIN FARM STORE HAVE A SG??? so w/e we're all walking back and rolly stops and ask some bum sitting on the floor for a cig and the bum stands up and waz all like "is that some kinda wize comment son?" "do i look like i have money you lil punk!" and the bum pushed rolly and you see fuking rolly just start sticking this fukin bum and abk jumps in and the bums on the floor and abk and rolly were kicking the shyt outta him... then these CRAZY FUKES take the one cig this bum had... and we walked back to my crib... then we find out we can get bud, so w/e we smoke and abk's sittin there talkin bout stabing some pg bytch and pulling the baby out and stomping on the babys head, then all of a sudden someone pop's up w/ the idea of stealing a truck and jacking the farm store... so you know me, im down for anything... i get the truck and pick them up at the corner and we ryde too the 2nd farm store and we park and i cant see rolly and he cant see me, and i see some pig drive by and slow down and he waz staring at the store and i waz like "holy fuk!" then the pig drives by me, backs up and pass me again, and then parks by me... i fuk started that truck up so fast and diped the fuk out! i know cutler ridge, i know cutler ridge real well... so i turn off my lights and floor it and get a good 50 feet ahead of the pig i turn real fast and drive in someones back yard and turn the car off and just sit there... after like 2 mins bridget gets out and walks around looking for rolly, when we find him guess what we did... we went to another fukin farm store... we were on a fukin mission for some fukin newports... so w/e we ryde there and i park and it seemed so perfict, we had the right hideing spot for the truck it waz close too the store and rolly and abk were pumped ready too go... they jump out the car and do some 007 bullshyt to walk up too the store... i can see them doin it too that waz the funny part... but yeah they walk up and go too slide the door open........ and it waz fuking closed... fuking bummer bro... so w/e we go too the 4th farm store and again, perfict hidding spot for the truck, rolly jumps out and walks up there waz waz like " let me get 3 packs of newport 100's" and the guy go's too hand it too him and rolly trys to snack that shyt and you see this old mans hand fly back like the fukin matrix and he hit the alarm and you hear ringing and shyt and i see rolly dip and he jumped in and i diped, all you see, smell, or hear is burning rubber... but yeah we were like, ok all this bullshyt for some newports thats it, im gettin us some fukin ciggreates... so we ryde up too the 5th farm store and rolly and abk jump out and just walk up in that farm store like they owned the place and grabed cartens of newports, im taking like fukin arms full of cartens... and they turn too dip and this mexican mother fuker pulls out a shot gun and starts shooting, i herd two shots go off and i see rolly and abk running from behind the store and jump in the truck and once again i dip, w/o any fuking newports! so we said fuk this, we're going home and smoked anouther blunt... w/e we never got the ciggereats, but its all good... im thinking about quiting anyways.... well boi'S and gurl's i hope you enjoyed the story, but as for now... we funna take our DANGERUS MINDS too bed... untill next time "keep that bud too a constent blaze"
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