[life][avalanche of stuff] Spring Break is already half over, WTF?

Mar 16, 2011 21:10

// I caught the flu last week. Fabulous. But I'm better now, so yay?

// It's Spring Break and I've done nothing. Mainly because I'm still getting over being sick.

// Got a hair cut last Saturday. I only got about two inches cut off but damn does my hair seem shorter D: Still I had to get my discolored and broken ends off.

// Shit I have a lot to accomplish. I have about three fics I need to be working on. School work (blargh). Cleaning my room. Dying my hair. Painting my bathroom. Ugh. SO MUCH TO DO!

// Erin got in to the University of Hawaii. I'm happy and really sad at the same time. I don't want her to leave me! I have so much trouble making friends and she's been my friend for over ten years now. My best friend for five! Plus two of my other really close friends are leaving too. Sabrina is moving to Georgia to study Botany and Laurel is, well I'm not sure where she's going but she wants to get a job out of town. When did all my friends start growing up into responsible adults?

// Speaking of Sabrina, her Bridal shower is in a week and a half. In Louisville. Jeez. That's over an hour away. Becca is hosting so I guess that's why but shouldn't the Bridal shower be in the same city as the bride? I still need to find a dress for the wedding as well.

// So I'm kinda over the whole Japan trip thing. I figure it would have been cancelled any way what with the Earthquake and Tsunami and all. All of my friends in Japan are fine. Fumiko (who lives in Tokyo) said her house shook terribly but other than that nothing. The rest of my friends live either on the west coast or down south. I've already made donations to the Red Cross. I'd offer something for auction, but real life, you know?

// Since the Japan trip is cancelled indefinately (meaning my school is no longer going to offer it) I decided to look again at some other trips. I've decided that I'm going to try for a 8 week internship in London next summer (2012). I'm hoping they'll have an internship with a museum I could do.

// So I've decided instead of lanquishing this summer to take up the Cello again. I used to play years ago and I loved it but circumstances prevented me from continuing. I'm going to find a private tutor and take up lessons again. I fear I've forgotten all I know, and of course I don't have my cello any more, but I'm really looking forward to it. Now I just need to find a teacher, haha.

// I may go on a trip with Erin this summer too, if she doesn't get a job with one of the National Parks like she wants. Erin is turning a little weird though. Maybe it's a good thing she's leaving because I'm not sure how long a shared background and proximity would have kept us as friends after all. She doesn't believe in taking medicine or eating chemicals (I take a ton of medication and I get the distinct impression that Erin does not approve of my hormone pills or my anti-depressants, she once implied that depression and OCD was something that people 'just needed to get over'). She's super animal-rights (I buy free range and organic when I can but frankly I want to solve human rights issues (such as human trafficking!)) She once told me that animal cruelty was in the same league as child pedophile! NO! NOT AT ALL! To be perfectly honest I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Erin has moved to a commune or something. It's getting that weird. Erin has never been very pragmatic though, and that's irritating. I'm a very pragmatic person at the end of the day.

// Going to IKEA and Anthropologie this weekend with my mom. We love IKEA so much, haha. We're such weirdos. Hahah.

// Tomorrow is St. Paddy's day. Do I own any green?

// Finally broke down and bought a year long paid membership. It's so nice not having any pesky ads.

// Yesterday Sabrina asked me if I was bringing a date to her wedding. I looked at her and said, "What on earth makes you think I'm bringing a date?". In the four years I've been at college I've been on two dates. When I mentioned that to my mom she said "Really? It's been that many?" Thanks mom. Apparently guys find me terrifying (according to Eric my gay friend). Maybe I should become a lesbian. I'm constantly being hit on by lesbians.

life, bestie, y so many tags?, avalanche of stuff, to-do list hell, shopping, i have music talent yo!, rawrgh, university, travel, my hair, wedding mafia, sick

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