(no subject)

Dec 10, 2005 23:15

well...last night i was working night staff again and there was this huge fight...it was insane. At one point i couldn't resist i said "What is this the night of the pifflings?". dont look at me like that slashy. SO Dave asked me to claock a few more hours till it got calm enough for just him and the two other 4-8 am night staffers. so i was up till almost 6 this am. I then slept till 2 this pm. I had my staff dinner/christmas party at 6. it was alot of fun. WE had a huge catered turkey dinner and then did our secret santa gift exchange. I got "The five People You Meet in Heaven" from Beth...I've wanted to read that book for ages. THen after I went roving cause I'm seccondary.

Between the first and seccond set of roves one of the other RA's stopped by my room and she handed me a small gift bag. In it was an angel ornament about the size of my palm and on it was my name. She said she got it for me just because I seem to always be doing nice things for the rest of the staff and that she thinks I needed to know how much it was apriciated. It made me feel realy good. I know it is stupid but i realy needed to hear that. I dont think I do anything special. I just see coworkers who need help and if i can i give it. but i guess a lot of people dont operate on that kind of wavelength. It felt realy good to know I'm apriciated. I mean I know I'm apriciated but it felt realy good to hear it. I know i seems like I'm a very self confident but I still have a lot of self-worth/self-image issues. I know intalectualy that i am a good person an worthy of having friends and success but alot of the time i dont feel that way. I know that is just my depression talking and I am getting better at ignoring the negative feelings etc but...it still feels realy good to get usolicited praise...I know I'm babbling so I'm gonna sign off now.

time for me to go be niught staff again.

Love you all. Peace love and puppies

God bless

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