Fandom High Dorms Room 205 - Noonish

Jan 02, 2007 09:29

Balthier heaved a great, dramatic sigh as he chucked his bags onto the bed in his assigned room, before slumping down onto the bed himself. "A school, bah!" He scoffed and ran a hand through his hair. "She would send me to a bloody school." Another sigh followed, though this one was a little more resigned. Well chap, better make the best of it. Balthier thought to himself resolutely as he got up and began stowing away his things. After all, it is much better than the prison you originally thought that it was.

He glanced over at the other bed and furnishings. "Oh lovely; a double," he said keeping most of the sarcasm out of his voice. "I wonder what that will be like."

[Open to anyone passing by and of course the roomie~]


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