Aug 18, 2006 01:32
What can one say about peace love and gameing for one weekend i can say it be an 80's song i had the time of my life and by that i mean it my vampire character is getting up there with the carthians and i fought with megan. We did get the ok from the Club Directior and help from her for me and megans wedding its on friday between games so if your in the Cam please attend it would mean the world to us. anyways about gen con i went up the ninth and got my pass early next year pre reg so hung out and help with the whitewolf and wizkids to set up get my prestage up there Thursday helped at the Cam booth and got at least 25 people to join and about 16 actualy played that night we broke the record and yes there were no food stamp jokes this year the Larp game was really good and i enjoyed it more than last year my character got to do more than be a high class ass polisher Firday i had to work at Wizkids booth and i spent about 8 hours demoing games From Mechwarrior to Tsuro it was alot of fun the best thing was early in the day before the exbitor hall was open i was seting up Hororclix and Kevin Sorbo was walking along and noticed the CTHULHU and i got to demo the game for him it was awesome jump to about 3pm when i had my break i was walking the exbitor hall and sorbo noticed me and said randy get over here and i got my photo taken with him and his herby handcock to go with it. later on the evening me and megan get into this arugment and i forget what it was over and we went to Larp sepertaly and all was well Saturday same as thursday but more fun and sunday i got my heroclix specter for helping out the weekend Go team wizkids. So its was a great weekend See you next year
Randy out