
Dec 28, 2004 12:04

How many people have you dated this past year?: none.. XD, but im enjoying being single though
How many people have you kissed in your life?: one.
How many people have you said "I love you too" and meant it? one.
Have you ever had a hard time getting over someone? yepp. apparently took me 2 years.
Are you friends with your ex/exes?: i dont have any ex or exes
Have you ever been cheated on?: nope. =D
What's the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for you?: so far. They said "HEY, I LIKE YOUR ASS!" lol =P
What do you look for in your ideal mate?: very sweet, outgoing, and nice smile
Turn-offs: stuck - up
Best quote to sum up love: A girls love is in her heart, a guys love is in his pants. =D

What religion are you?: Catholic
Do you got to church regularly?: nope. it would be nice though
What do you think happens when you die: I go to heaven and stay ther for all eternity
Do you believe in God?: yes
Satan?: sorta.
Angels?: yes
Heaven?: yes
Hell?: in a way yes.
What do you think of abortion?: its gross and disguisting, the baby shouldnt have to die =(
Suicide?: well, i wouldnt do it but..
Flag burning?: it happens.
War?: yuck =(
Pop music?: ya baby!

What Did You Do...
Last weekend?: *thinks* went to my grammas house
Yesterday?: went to my gym and saw Michele
Your last birthday?: Went to Great America
Valentines Day?: i dont remember
Easter?: at Home with Family
4th of July?: at home. sitting on my bootay
Halloween?: with Rebekah and Ayano
Thanksgiving?: Big family get-to-gether at our house
Christmas Eve?: home =D
Christmas Day?: grammas.

What do you think you'll be doing in..
A week from now?: it will probably be a B day.. so ill be in World History at 12:14
A month from now?: Im second semester of PE
A year from now?: A JUNIOR BABY!
5 years from now?: in college, in the medical field
10 years from now?: hopefully done with college, and have a love life
20 years from now?: married, 3 kids
50 years from now?: retired for my job and have grandkids

Ever Been Called...
Dumb?: yes. everyonce in a while a dumb blonde.
Retarded?: yes, in the 4th grade
Ugly?: probably
Hot?: probably
Fat?: yes, *cough cough* they told me i was 200lbs online. WHICH IM NOT!
Anorexic?: nope
A waste of space?: nope. and lets keep it that way
Useless?: yes, by my mother
Sexy?: maybe
Smelly?: yes. Katie called me it once.
A Slut?: nope
Beautiful?: yes.
Smart?: yes
Quiet?: nope, im a blabber mouth
Boring?: no.. i hope not
A Bitch?: yes.. by my mother
Rebel?: nope, ima good gurl =D
Conceited?: i dont think so.

What are you wearing?: My PJ's
Who are you talking to?: no one
How is the weather?: cold and rainy
What are you listening to?: COnfessions by Usher
What/Who are you thinking about?: My new AE pants. there mailed at the moment
What are you eating/drinking?: water. gonna get some food after in done with the survey.
What are you looking forward to?: Saturday and Sunday
What are you dreading?: nothing at the moment
How are you feeling?: HAPPY! =D
How is your hair?: it is wavy. i just took a shower.
What time is it?: 1:18
What are you annoyed by?: anything that bugs me.

When Was The Last Time You..
Burped?: like 2 days ago.
Kissed?: along time ago.
Had sex?: never
Went to the movies?: on Thanksgiving, saw Finding Neverland
Went out to eat?: does coldstone count?
Cried?: yesterday
Got dumped?: never.
Dumped someone?: ^^^^
Threw up?: like 2 weeks ago.
Peed?: this morning
Went skating?: in 8th grade
Went for a walk?: 3 days ago
Ate ice cream?: with Michele! we went to Coldstone like 3 weeks ago.
Got into a fight?: not for a while
wanted to start a fight? thought about it.. but no.

Who was the last person you...
Talked to?: Angela
Yelled at?: My father
Kissed?: my mommasita
Hugged?: Michele
Went out to eat with?: Michele
Flirted with?: i dunno
Talked to on the phone?: Michele
IMed?: Angela
Got flowers from?: My parents
Danced with?: i dont know his name. *thinks*
Fought with?: no one really
Worried about?: i think it was chanise. i hadnt talked to her in like 2 days
Wanted to kill?: killing is such a strong word. but hurting.. yes there is one person.
Thought about? FOOD. im hungry!

Well, it turns out that on sunday i get to go to a museum. =D it is for some extra credit. anyways, i went rock climbing yesterday.. im soo sore. ugh. but anyway, im going to go and get some food but ill ttyl
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