5 days until the move

Jan 09, 2005 19:12

Only a little bit under a week to go...
Saturday a.m., bright and early, we pack up and bone out. This past week I've come to know this place as the closest thing to Hell I could possibly experience.
Friday was inventory was Toys R Us, which SUCKED. I worked from 5a-1p and then went to Lonnie's.
Yesterday I drank way too much, with Lonnie and James, and Lonnie had to drive me home and sleep on the floor in my living room. He was pissed at me big time, but I spent the majority of the night praying to the porcelain god, so he got over it when he found out how crappy I felt this morning.
So this morning we went to my mom's to attempt to get the remainder of my things from my old room, but she was in one of her 'moods' and so all she gave me was a stack of bills that are now overdue because she never gives me my mail, and the pink slip for my car so that my father can have it towed from where it has been sitting for the past week, in front of my baby's house in Camarillo.

The rest of my day has mostly centered around 'self-help research'. I am reading: The F-Word: It's a Family Thing, so that I can better understand the family dynamic and hopefully make my relationships with my family better. Living in a different state should only make this easier.
I also picked up Happiness Is A Serious Problem: A Human Nature Repair Manual. I believe that I will be mentally, emotionally and physically prepared for this move to the best of my ability.

If anyone wants to see me before I leave, call my cell @ 818/274.9349
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