Sep 09, 2004 21:02
just wanted to share some of my work with yall...i wrote this poem titled "Love Note" a minute ago addressed to "her"...feelings r still the same to date...
This my love is a simple love note
From the very depths of my soul
The pleasure you've brought me
Ummmm it must be told
Given me such happiness and
Intensity in so short a time
The joy you bring me still boggles the mind
So sincere so virtuous so true
What choice did I have But to love you
What else could I do?
My eyes are filled with peace
My heart with Love & Joy
This is a simple love note
Just letting you know
That I do so love you......
For words to me on this subject
Are limited indeed
My emotions over run
With feelings too intense and much too deep
So again I say with simplicity I love you...
In this a little ditty of love simply from me to you
do understand this poem is a str8narrow original....