I stole this from
chocoholicl who stole it from someone else.
Name a fandom and I'll tell you...
1. The first character I fell in love with:
2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now:
3. The character everyone else loves that I don’t:
4. The character I love that everyone else hates:
5. The character I would shag anytime:
6. The character I'd
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2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Nida
3. The character everyone else loves that I don’t: Seifer, don't hate him just... not in love or nothin.
4. The character I love that everyone else hates: Cid, worst cid? Yes. Horrible character? Yes. Story forcer in fanfic? yes.
5. The character I would shag anytime: Selphie
6. The character I'd want to be like: Selphie
7. The character I'd slap: Rinoa
8. A pairing that I love: Selphie x Squall
9. A pairing that I despise: Squall x Rinoa
10. Favorite character: Selphie
11. What are my five favorite things about the fandom: Not to many fags, pretty good fic, lotsa fanart, pretty cutscenes, music to die for.
12. What are my five least favorite things about the fandom: Eyes on you or wings on face or WHATEVER THAT SONG IS. NO SIR, I DON'T LIKE IT, WTF SUDDEN PAIRING, Not enough Squall x Selphie, odd pairings, haven't finished yet.
13. Who are my five favorite characters: Selphie, Squall, Nida, Ellone, Laguna
14. Who are my five least favorite characters: Rinoa, Seifer, Irvine, Vinzer Deling, NORG
15. What are my five favorite pairings: [Most of these cause they were how my fics went] Selphie x Squall, Seifer x Quistis, Seifer x Rinoa, Fujin x Rajin, Irvine x Fujin [Cracktrip]
16. What are my five least favorite pairings: Rinoa x Squall, Irvine x Selphie, Zell x Library girl, Seifer x Fujin, Quistis x Seifer. Yep, on both.
17. Which character are you most like: Probably Selphie.
18. What is my deep, dark fandom secret: I miss the days when Squall was my number one luv of all time. D;
I'ma think of another one for you in a second. Gimme more too. xD This is enjoyable.
I will do so. -nod-
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