Yeah, I feel ya... last year around this time, I worked at Provident. I hated being stuck in a cubicle all day anyway *think Office Space* but especially once the flowers bloomed and the sun was out. Sometimes I just couldn't stay inside and I would leave. I need a "free-spirit" job where I can do what I want, when I want to. :) Know of anything? heh.
Tattoo artist: Years ago when I took a break from college, I actually went to a local tattoo artist (T.J.) and talked about apprenticing under him. It is a lengthy process to become an artist...many years of apprenticeship with little to no income. I eventually went back to college and got degrees in Psychology and Sociology *big mistake as empathy is not one of my greater virtues*. But that would be a lovely job. I wonder about piercing...hmmmm....I may look into that, cuz I could pierce while apprenticing to become a tat artist. Thanks for rekindling that interest!!!
We will definately have to do that. :) I am taking Kaleb for a walk to the park today; it's so nice out.
Btw, where are you working?
I hate that I'm inside today though, it is beautiful outside!
Know of anything? heh.
Cosmetologist: ummmm....NO! ;)
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