Nov 04, 2008 17:34
Okay, so it's the night of the election. I actually didn't have to run out to the polls today since I voted absentee, but if you haven't yet, you should rush out and do it before the polls close. Otherwise, you forfeit your right to w00t/bitch about your candidate winning/losing.
Now, with the general "PLZ VOAT KTHXBAI" out of the way, there are just a couple more things I'd like to say regarding the election.
1. I voted for Obama this year for the same reasons that a lot of you probably have. I'm not going to be dancing around my apartment with glee if he wins, though. If four years pass and it turns out that hey, maybe he wasn't such a good pick after all, I'd rather not have to look back on me acting like a cocky asshole.
2. On the other hand, if Obama loses the election, I'm not going to bitch, moan, and pin it on Red State Retards. I grew up in a red state, and while I'm not a particularly politically minded person, I do know that the arrogant fuckwits here in Seattle that think all Republicans are God-fearing, homophobic, backwards imbeciles are no different from arrogant fuckwits in Wyoming that think all Democrats are weak-willed, elitist, bottle-fed babies. I know that not everyone in either camp thinks that way, but Jesus Christ. The people that do are simply obnoxious, and if I started talking like either one I would gladly invite someone to punch me in the face.
Whatever happens, keep a cool head and keep it civil, people.