May 30, 2004 00:09
Sup. So this morning I felt better than I had the past couple of days but I was still dreadingi going into work. My sister came home. she had no idea about the new car so she was surprised/jealous. she asked if she could drive it and I felt all powerful when I said no. but she doesnt know how to drive stick anyways. she tried to learn a few years ago but oh was she horrible at it.
Stopped by the bank on the way to work to deposit my check. stalled in the parking lot. I always seem to do it in parking lots but never on the road. strange. work was... ok I guess. After about 2 hours I was ready to go into a theatre and sleep. I almost told erik that i needed to go home sick. but I stuck it out. It got better by the end of the day cause I got food in my stomach. WEnt to Katies after work and just hung out for a while. drove around a bit just for fun. then I came home. now I am really tired and I have a cough. me = sleep.