Don't see your question asked here? Ask down in the comments!
Can my character have more than one major?
As a student, no, you cannot have your character majoring in more than one art. Sure, he or she can excel in more than one, but he or she enrolls at St. Pats under one and only one major
And if I play a staff member? Can I have more than one job?
This is different. As a teacher, you can only teach one subject except language teachers, which can teach up to three. Assistants can help in two subjects. As for other staff (groundkeeper, security, cafeteria worker), a character can hold up to two jobs
Can my student hold a job?
Any character wanting an on-campus job will have to be a Junior or a Senior, and the only student jobs available will be Nurse's Aid, Assistant Librarian, and Cafeteria worker. An interview RP might be required with the mod for storyline reasons. For off-campus jobs, it's entirely up to you, but keep in mind that high school students cannot hold a full-time job while still at school
What is expected from my intro post / Do I have to make an intro post?
Yes. An intro post is required from your character, and an intro post about yourself as a mun would be appreciated in the ooc community. There are no guidelines for your ooc intro, but your first character post should be a journal entry about their arrival at the school.
Can I roleplay over AIM?
As much as I would prefer roleplaying over your respective journals, of course I can't stop anyone to start roleplays over aim. So just keep in mind that people like reading other people's roleplays sometimes, so if your character is only active on their personal blogs to post about their day and there's never any proof on your rps, people might be hesitant to start something with you
Can I have a third character? Pleaaaaaase?
Prove to me that you can be active with two, then we'll talk. If I accept a third character and your activity drops, you will be asked to drop a character