Oct 28, 2009 22:55
- 10:17 Filming for the "Boosiers" trailer went very well last night! bit.ly/RaQU8 #
- 17:40 RT @Syfy So, are you all enjoying BATTLESTAR GALACTICA: THE PLAN on DVD? Let me know! #
- 17:41 @ Syfy Honestly Not incredibly impressed. As a supplement it's fun, as something that "changes how I'd look at the series," not so much. #
- 17:42 @ Syfy Though wonderful acting by Rick Worthy and Dean Stockwell. Great stuff from those two, as always. #
- 20:07 RT: @Jack_McFly: The first five minutes of Boondock Saints II: ow.ly/wNMF - @BPStoyle makes an appearance! Lookin' good, Slick. #
- 20:07 @ Jack_McFly Thanks for linking (and for the compliment)! I hadn't seen this yet. :) #
- 20:10 The first five minute of "The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day." I can be seen in the crowd as the cop car pulls up! bit.ly/jOvRv #
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