Your NOW and LAST by NightflaxWhat color is your hair?Dark brownHow Tall are you?6'2What music are you listening to?a real heavy blimpWhat can you see (other than the computer)?tv, backyard, pool, dutchie!If you reach out your left foot, what will it hit?tv remote and led zep bioWhat can you hear?TVWhat is bothering you?this quizWhat are you in love with?whitneyWhat do you dislike?being tiredWhat can you smell?flowersWhat hurts?legsWhat is on your head?lockes of hairWhat is your computer's background?zeppelin in concertWhat is in your wallet?$$$What position are you in?recliningWhere are you?on an islandHow are you feeling?happyWho would you like to hug?avs and whitneyWhere would you like to be?wit's bedroomWhat color are you favouring?silverWho is messaging you?kat kulakLast...Who is your most recent Xanga, LJ or DJ entry from?*shrug*Who is the last person you saw?my dadWho is the last person you missed?witWhat is the last place your feet took you to? the coach where i'm sittingWhat is the last place wheels took you to?river oaks golf clubWhat is the last drug you took?advilWhat is the last thing you said?what?Who did you last speak too?dadWhat is the last book you read?Hammer of the Gods: The Led Zeppelin SagaWhat is the last TV show you saw?simpsonsWhat is the last Movie you watched?Joe Somebody
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