Sep 29, 2011 02:31

Name: Lena
Livejournal Username: parron
AIM/MSN: awesomesen (AIM)
Timezone: EST
Current Characters in Route: Dominic Sorel (usedmapquest)

Name: Son Pan
Series: Dragonball Z/GT
Timeline: Right before the martial arts tournament. (To put DBGT's timeline in REALLY BRIEF: Goku gets wished into a kid. Earth will self-destruct in a year if special universe-wide dragonballs aren't found. Pan steals the spaceship to get in on the adventure along with Trunks and Goku (and instead of her uncle Goten). They have adventures. Towards the end of the year, they meet a parasitic alien named Baby who possesses Trunks and hijacks a ride to Earth, where he takes over EVERYONE except for Pan, Goku, and like three others. Baby creates a new planet and rules everyone for a year. Then he is defeated after a lot of fighting. Things calm down for a while so everyone decides to have a world championship martial arts tournament! Pan decides to enter, too.)
Canon Resource Links:Wiki.
note akira toriyama doesn't give a crap about details. NO REALLY. he's infamous for winging it and occasionally completely forgetting about characters, and because of this, the timeline doesn't make any sense. basically if you time it by the official timeline, dbgt takes place either 5 or 10 years after dbz- if you time it by a repeating annual event, it's 6 years, another source claims eight, and so on. going by the physical appearances of pan and bra (a girl a year younger than pan who dresses like this) and the fact that Pan is said to be older than her grandfather's aged-down form (around 10-12), i tend to go with "yeah, it was ten years." given the option between them being 8/9 and 14/15…… yeah. also note that, as mentioned in the timeline thing above, about two years supposedly passes during DBGT, but… no one really seems to age or anything so okay then. we'll just say it was like a year and a half, so pan will be 15.

Dragonball Z world is very, very weird. While vaguely looking like our world, if our world was Asia and Africa, the story is a very loose adaptation of the Journey to the West that then becomes a homage to Superman and then who even knows. Most of it is set in what would be China if China existed, complete with clothes and architecture, but also with dinosaurs, magic, talking dog and other animal people, aliens, and ridiculously advanced technology. And 90s fashion. So much 90s fashion. As much as the series is a fighting anime, it's also a comedy, and one that spans decades: at the start of the first anime, Dragonball, the hero is 12-year-old Son Goku. By the end he is 18 and married; when Dragon Ball Z picks up, he has a 4-year-old son who is more or less the main character of the series (in fact, Toriyama wanted to kill off Goku for real and let Gohan be the star- his editors and fans complained). Gohan, by the end of DBZ, is in his mid-twenties and has a four-year-old daughter. And when DBGT picks up ten years after that, well, you can guess who the main character is.

At least in her own mind.

Pan is the viewpoint character for most of DBGT: she isn't the strongest or most capable of the cast, but she drives a lot of the action and tends to be followed around the most by the 'camera'- we don't see nearly as much of Trunks's thoughts and side adventures. As the series goes on, Goku retakes the focus, although Pan never stops being plot relevant: she's one of a very few who do, in fact, remain important to the story, and the distant epilogue closes with her. Not too bad for a bratty tagalong!

Pan, as the youngest in the Son family of godmodes, has grown up doing martial arts: she competed in her first tournament at the age of four. However, aside from that and the whole "part alien" thing, Pan's really a pretty normal fourteen year old. She's at times sort of obnoxious, blunt and sometimes sarcastic and easily annoyed, and wants nothing more than to be taken seriously as an adult. While she's been spoiled by her family, especially her grandfather Mr. Satan, she's also coddled and babied and frustrated by it. She tends to react by "playing" grown up- ordering black coffee and acting haughty and superior whenever she gets the chance- but underneath that, she really is just an immature teenager. She's prone to panicking and clinging to others for help when in over her head, and can cry and wail when panicked. She's also prone to wild action without really thinking things through- this is almost a family trait- or worse, taking wild action without ever realizing at all why she shouldn't! This is best exemplified in the very first episodes, when, deciding that she wants in on an adventure to prove herself grown up, she hijacks a space ship, but there are numerous examples in the early parts of the series along these lines. Pan can also be rather proud- although not arrogant like Vegeta is (heaven forbid), she's prone to loudly bragging when she does something right.

Pan can also be a bit duplicitous, switching quickly to cutesy, polite speech when she wants something or just wants to appear charming. She's not outright manipulative or fake, but it's definitely worth noting that the more "I'm so cute and ladylike!" she's acting, the more prone she is to using third person speech. As the series goes on she uses this habit less, and on the other hand, it's also true that her "default" speech- that is, when she's neither annoyed or trying to suck up- is on the politer side. After all, she is Gohan's daughter.

At the same time Pan tends to be rather blunt and honest with her opinions. This is actually a trait she shares with her grandfather- it's just that Goku isn't usually (or ever) so mean with his. If she thinks you're lame, she's going to tell you. If she hates something, she's going to tell you. Etc. Pan is also casually rude in the same way Goku is- refusing to use titles/honorifics, even when asked. In this case, it's probably not her trying to be a brat- she's just very casual.

That said, Pan really isn't a bad person. She's frankly a bit of a tsundere- putting on a tough act, but not meaning it. Despite her pretend superiority and obvious frustration with her grandfather, she loves him dearly and completely believes in him… she just can't really show it. Likewise, she's prone to threatening a robot companion with death, but later turns around and gives it her beloved bandana as a present- Pan's really all talk. Like everyone in her family and almost everyone in the whole series, she's also devoted to doing the Right Thing, fighting evil and stopping wrongs, and is in the later series even willing to fight opponents much, much stronger than she is- or sacrifice herself- for the greater good. And to her credit, she calms down over the course of the series, maturing and stopping to be such a glory-hog: rather than trying to be The Only True Hero, she settles down and lets Goku take back the role- although she never stops fighting and helping, she stops insisting the adventure is all about her. She even learns some modesty, stops being so whiny/a crybaby, and overall stops being such a brat. She never quite manages to lose her impatience and occasional mouthiness, but it's progress!

Pan comes off as something of a tomboy, but it's all a front. She's fond of cooking, although not great at it, and takes a weird sort of pleasure in cleaning and bossing people around to do chores: part of it is likely just trying to assert authority and be respected as a leader, but she also just seems to like it. She's also very interested in dating, although most boys tend to dump her for being stronger than they are… much to her annoyance. And the pronoun she uses in the Japanese version? Atashi, the most girly one of them all. The tomboyishness is a blatant lie.

✪ FIGHTING ABILITY. Pan is a DBZ godmode. She is the weakest of the main Saiyan fighters and can still blow up a planet with one finger if she tried. Although her defenses- and pain tolerance- are somewhat lacking, she's fast and strong and totally immune to bullets. And she can fly. And. Look, it's just DBZ, okay? Pan can also use all of her family's specialty attacks- Goku's kamehameha and Gohan's masenko most notably.
✪ INTELLIGENCE. While reckless and not always interested in thinking things through, Pan is a fairly smart person! While nowhere near her father's genius levels, she's pretty clever and can put together a decent plan when she bothers to try. She's no master tactician, but she's not bad at all for her age.
✪ (some) LEADERSHIP SKILLS. Or rather, a forceful personality. If Pan wants to get something done, she will do it. And she will boss around anyone it takes to do it! Compared to Goku's passive "if it's fun, okay!" attitude, and Trunks's over-stressed… ness (and how ignored he usually is), Pan took the leader role in space for almost a full year!
✪ A PURE HEART. Not that it really does anything, but yay for being pure hearted and forgiving of all (eventually) and being a true hero like everyone else in her family! It's like a genetic trait. And speaking of genes…
✪ BEING PART ALIEN. Pan is simply stronger than a human by default. It's also somewhat implied that she'll physically age more slowly than a human and live longer- she was pretty damn spry at 114!- but… okay, that's about it. Whatever. Oh, yeah, it also makes her have a crazy metabolism. She can eat her weight in one sitting. Easily.

☢ WHININESS. Oh, Pan. While she's in the process of growing up, when Pan gets in over her head, she gets loud. She complains, blames everyone but herself, screams and even cries. She's frankly annoying as all hell. Lately she's been toning that down and learning to just fight through it, but it's not something that goes away overnight!
☢ OVERLY-RELIANT. For all her tough talk, Pan is the spoiled and beloved baby of the family. She's spent her whole life having a loving and large family around her, and although she wants to spread her wings and prove to them she's an adult… she runs to them whenever anything goes wrong. This mostly shows with her grandfather, Goku, but she's gone crying to her father once or twice too. At the end of the day, she relies on her family to save her and get her out of trouble, and isn't used to having to do things alone.
☢ ANNOYINGNESS. Let's face it, she can be a mega brat! Her temper is especially bad- not that she ever gets blindingly angry, but her sharp tongue and stubbornness can get her into even more trouble!
☢ SPOTLIGHT-HOGGING. Pan really, really wants to be a hero/adult, and have everyone know it, and have everyone praise her. Those other people? Yeah, they're just her backup. She's starting to get over this, too, but praise seriously goes to her head.
☢ all this boils down to CHILDISHNESS.

Pokémon Information
Affiliation: Trainer!!
Starter: Bagon: "Saimin."
Password: Taco Bell.

First Person Sample:Oii-ii! This is Pan, got it? Pan! Grandpa, I know this is somehow your fault! I bet you stuck your nose somewhere it didn't belong- jeez, what am I ever going to do with you? Wherever you are, come here right away! Trunks, you too! Some lady said she was my Mama, but of course she isn't!

… Ahh, there's also a dragon following me around… I- I mean, hah! I bet you guys aren't nearly as lucky as that! I bet Pan's dragon is the strongest of them all, right? Hey, hey, why aren't you saying anything yet?

…Grandpa, stop messing around and answer me!

Third Person Sample:Pan wasn't totally sure what was going on here, but she had decided to just go with it. In her experience, it tended to lead to the most answers- and besides, once she had heard the words training and master, other things such as figuring out what was going on became a lot less important.

So she'd stared at the maps for a moment before getting bored and examining her dragon, which was currently running around in circles making weird noises. "Eh, my Papa had a dragon too, when he was younger," Pan told it, lying on her stomach and watching. "But I bet you're a lot stronger- hey! Pay attention! Pan is going to teach you to be the strongest dragon! I'm a very, very famous marial artist you- ahh!" She rolled over just in time to avoid getting bitten, and jumped to her feet. "Now look here!" she put her hands on her hips, which was always pretty intimidating when Grandma did it- to her pleasure, the Bagon did indeed look here. "A true martial artist has discipline and never bites their master! Do you understand? Pan is your master now!" Oh, that was a happy thought. Her very first pupil! And one who might even be able to breathe fire! She just wished she was wearing a gi.

The Bagon looked cowed, or at least curious, and didn't try to bite her again. Pan beamed at it. "That's right, that's right! Now, what should your name be…? Eh… how about Bǎn miàn?" she asked, her stomach rumbling faintly. "It's a healthy name, isn't it? Oh, or what about Kurimushitu? Ah, Grandma makes really great Butajiru…"

The Bagon simply looked confused. Pan frowned down at it. "Hey, hey, come on! You have to make a sound when you find one you like, okay? Now, what about Cioppino?"

—OOC • application

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