"I am suggesting to you and others in your band,that you change your name and your story as well. I am the Current manager and holder of all copyright's and legal papers to the band Youre Pretty which resides in Milwaukee WI since 1998, and still sells music online in various means of distribution .I have not received a request for any use of information from you or any one you may affiliate your self with. There for you are in full violation of Federal laws.You have submitted false statements in a public domain which in return could acquire attention under false pretense which could result in incriminating the reputation of the actual band "Youre Pretty".
This is a 48 hour notice for you to reply and remove this material .If you can not comply with this request a legal notification will me sent to MYspace.com for the absolute removal of your account and all material herein."
Comments 10
This is a 48 hour notice for you to reply and remove this material .If you can not comply with this request a legal notification will me sent to MYspace.com for the absolute removal of your account and all material herein."
I reported them to MySpace. Don't know what else I can do.
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