National Healthcare

Jul 31, 2009 22:58

Sent to my email list.

I keep hearing about National HealthCare.

Who opposes it?

Big Insurance like AIG
the AMA
the American Hospital Association
anyone with big money at stake.

Who supports it?

The American Nurses Association.

Now who do you believe?
The people who make big dollars right now, or the people like me who are at your bedside right now when you need us? The people who the AMA members
scream at when we call them at midnight because you need something right now? Or do you believe the people who aren't there but bill you and collect from you
sans any care.

Rush Limbaugh who got out of Vietnam with a pilonidal cyst ( a big zit on his butt) or someone like me.
When has Rush done CPR on a dieing child? When has Rush held the hand of a woman who has lost her husband of 50 years.
When has Rush responded CODE 3 to an Electrical Worker with third degree burns from a hot power line?
When has Rush started an IV on a person with Hepatitis C in a helicopter during turbulence?
When has Rush given TPA to a Normandy Veteran? when has Rush been stuck with a needle after its been in an HIV positive patient?
When has Rush had a gun stuck in his face by a psychotic patient?
When did O'Rilley spend a year on medication for a Turbeculosis Exposure? Does he need a Chest X ray every year like I do?

I've been there done that.

I am a nurse. I am on that front line right now, day in and day out. I get to scrape up the blood, the vomit, the feces. I get to try and start the IV in the dying child,
the veteran, the chronic drug user. I wear the blood home. I wipe away the tears and I wake up screaming from the memories and the nightmares.

Limbaugh and Coulter don't have the guts - or the Christian compassion - to do what I do. Neither does some fake hero like Chuck Norris or some TV preacher like Huckabey. When Norris has been upside down in a truck leaking fuel putting an Endotracheal Tube in a man near death he can call me. When Limbaugh has started an IV on a child with a heart defect to save his life he can call me. When has Coulter tried to comfort a woman who has been raped she can call me.

I answer the call light.
I start the IV.
I listen when you need.
I get the pain medication.
I dry the tears.
I bind the wounds.
I get on the helicopter when a normal person hides in his home.
I face the knives.
I take the insults.
I clean the feces.

And I don't want to hear one more ignorant rant about National Healthcare. If you are going to send me that crap remove me from your list.
I know it. I've done it, I've worn it home.
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