End o' the week

May 20, 2005 17:38

Tuesday night i knew i'd need a good night's rest so i took two Tylenol PMs and hoped to sleep through the night (which i didn't!) in preparation for the lack of sleep i would get the rest of the week.

7:30am, Wednesday. I wake up exhausted and wished that i hadn't taken the Tylenol PM because i am TIRED. Head out to the Talledaga National Forest to do bear surveys. Courtney, Jeremy and i hiked three miles and nailed sardine cans to trees - very scientific. When we got back to the drop off spot around 10:15 we discovered that we had been deserted. The van that dropped us off and the car with the other group (who was SUPPOSED to wait for us) weren't there and since Dr. Romano had told the other group to wait for us and if when he drove by their car wasn't there he would assume we had all headed back to school. First of all, it was impossible to fit all of us in that car. So, of course, we expected the worst. We sat on the side of the road for 45 minutes as cars passed us by without any concern.

11am, Wednesday. The three of us start heading towards civilization to find a land line since no one's phone had a signal. Mind you, on the bloody mountain we all did but not then when it mattered. Eventually the forest ranger and Dr. Romano drove up and picked us up so i just made it to my second class at 12. But i was still annoyed with that other group. Grr.

I worked from 5:30 til close Wednesday night and studied at the mall until Natalie got out of work so we could meet the guys and wait in line for Star Wars. There was a guy dressed up as a Storm Trooper - i wanted to touch him but i thought it might look a little crazy. Some fanatics were dressed as Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Darth Vader...very fun!

12:01am, Thursday. Star Wars kicks!

3am, Thursday. Arrive home. Nathan comes in my room three times trying to talk about stupid stuff that can wait until i'm awake so i finally fall asleep somewhere around 3:30.

6:45am, Thursday. Get out of bed to go take my Mammalogy test. Class until 2. Work from 2:30 til close. (going on about 3 hours of sleep)

10pm, Thursday. Get home after work to finish up the speech that is due Friday.

Present time, Friday. I now am into weekend mode and don't really know what to do with myself. The Muppets have a new movie this evening on ABC that i just MUST watch. And tomorrow is the Colorguard PreCamp 9 to 6 (meaning 8:30 to 6:30 for me). All week i've been feeling ill - my stomach is acting weird. I always feel full and when i do eat i can't eat very much. Is it stress? If so, i can only think of one other time that i've had these symptoms.... je ne sais pas.
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