Jul 17, 2005 19:55
Extremly random post. Idea came from the movie "The Jacket".
Ever wonder why fun things are fun? Ever wonder why you get bored or why you enjoy something? I have and now I know or at least have a theory. Check it out when your bored you are in the most normal state with all 6 senses the way they are hard wired into your memory to be. But when your having fun one or more of your senses is being minipulated. Think I'm wrong, well just think about it. When you watch t.v. your entertained because t.v.'s shouldnt exist they arent natural it tricks your sense of sight to think that the images are there when actualy a t.v. is a fancy light bulb. More examples include drugs, theme parks, and movies. From personal experience marijuana and alcohol change your out look totaly and everything feals diferent that why they are so fun. Theme parks because its just not "normal" to go on something that travels 90+ mph through a gravity defying course (roller coasters).
As you may or maynot be asking yourself is what about music, love, sex ect. ect. Those instead of changing sense perseption change hormonal balances like more dopamine and seratonin(sp?) in the blood. Since you arent used to the higher levels it is fun. Or lower level you feal wierd/depressed.
All things after a while of getting used to having those changed perceptions or higher hormon levels becomes normal thus you want and need more to feel the same fun fealing.
In conclusion everything you do is addicting but at different levels of addictions and with different consiquences weather it be good or bad. (to much alcohol damages liver, to much smoking marijuana increases lung cancer chances, and with sex you try different posissions ect. ect.)
Post with what you got to say.