so let's try this out

May 13, 2013 17:48

I'm at work, on my break, attempting to update on my sort of new tablet (I've had it for about a month). It's a Nexus 7, which means we're still not quite an Apple-only family, but overall it works for what I want to do: read books, download apps, occasionally edit stuff, scribble ideas down.  I actually prefer an actual notebook for that last, but when you're out running around, it's nice to not have a lot of extra stuff.

Of course, I say that having been lugging a copy of Salman Rushdie's memoir, Joseph Anton, around for two months (I've been reading that book longer than I've owned this tablet).  It's good, but it's hard to read for long periods. Especially if you want to keep your overall faith in humanity.

I've been hearing good things from people who have read "The Drowned Man" at Beneath Ceaseless Skies, which is nice (and if you haven't read it yet, go read it, this is my unsubtle hint!).

I will say, the cut and paste on this thing is nicer than my iPhone, though touchscreen keyboards remain impish tools of the devil.

And now, back to work I go. Summer in the college library: count the shadows.

google wants the leftover bits o'my soul, reading is fundamental, relative dimension in space, "drowned man"

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