I stay up late so I can have quiet time to myself. :)

Dec 22, 2011 23:11

Since Scott started school again, time alone is at a premium. The plus side of that is that he and I have a bit more adult-time together, so it's okay, but the past couple of nights I've been super-tired because of the kiddo's restless nights and have gone to bed early--and let me tell you, though the right thing to do, that was taking its toll on my psyche.

So here I am. Z is asleep and not coughing, Scott is in bed, and I am writing this by the light of the Christmas tree. The LED light of the Christmas tree, I might add.

Today we went to a kid-oriented Christmas party. Z felt a bit shy, but did see Santa, so that was cool. Then he got overheated and between that and the allergies, we had to leave early, poor kid. Once we got him cooled off (I've had the house at sub-Arctic today) he was fine. Scott and I spent the day paranoid that we're getting sick, though, which is always awesome.

During nap time I worked on a story, but spent a lot of it trying to find out of there were such things as news-stands in the 1800s. Ugh. Still not happy with that scene, either. Really, I thought I'd found my way into this story, but I don't think I have.

Tomorrow is the library and then the park--Medium Adventure Friday. Also Keeping-the-House-Clean Friday. Followed by gift-finishing and wrapping, and possibly baking bread.

i hate the holidays, the joys of mothering a zweeble, writing, nattering for no reason

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