Nov 12, 2009 21:51
Whew. Done.
All the crap that was hanging over my head is done. I have a bunch of stuff I need to do this weekend, but none of it is looming kind of stuff that makes me want to bang my head against my desk.
Tomorrow I have a doctor's appointment, and once I get past the whole yes-I-gained-eight-pounds-during-our-hellish-August/Spetember-(but-hey-I-lost-three-so-I-only-gained-five-since-my-last-appointment!) debacle, my grandmother is coming over to spend the day, which means I'll be able to clean the kitchen and fold the laundry, and maybe--gasp!--mop!
Saturday my mother and grandmother are coming over to sit down and discuss the Thanksgiving menu, and possibly steal the boy for a while so I can work.
Sunday I'd like to see about maybe hitting the beach, depending on the weather (it got chilly today--another reason I'm in a much better mood).
Monday night, we're going to go see Stephen King read from his new book! I am totally geeked! I've been reading Stephen King since I was twelve years old. He has had a hand in forming my psyche, my literary tastes, and my vocabulary of vulgarities. RAWK!
And now, I am going to go read my book.
reading is fundamental,
i weigh what now?,
balm for the soul at last,
i hate the holidays