Oct 16, 2005 17:12
Christina: Matt...is it Friday yet?
Matt: I wish
Christina: So I just went to chem lab. Which was a big waste of my life.
Matt: I would be going on a date
Christina: Dates are exciting
Matt: No surprise
Christina: Well it was a rather larger waste than usual b/c the prof mixed the chemicals wrong before class so we didn't get the reactions that were anticipated
Matt: Well way to Caroline Gray
Christina: Um...what the hell?
Matt: haha, way to go Caroline Gray
Christina: I'm still baffled.
Matt: Or is crazy Cragel your lab instructor?
Christina: Yeah Cragel, he's an interesting one
Matt: Yeah he is
Christina: Honey...I don't wanna cough anymore
Matt: Yeah I know how that feels. I'm sorry though
Christina: It's ok. I just wish I didn't have to go play in water at 4:30.
Matt: Play in water?
Christina: Yeah for my streams class we're doing assessments, so I have to be in the stream which is water and cold. So I'm not too excited
Matt: :-P No fun
Christina: Nope. I think I'm going to try and weasel out of going in the water
Matt: There you go
Christina: If I partner up with Dawn I know she'll take pity. But tomorrow is basically a free day. I work from 7:30-8:30, go home for dr at 10am, then I'm staying there all day 'cause I got someone to cover for me at work. Yay.
Matt: Way to go
Christina: Yeah. Good ol Joel...good guy to cover. haha. It's really nice here today. It's like 80 and sunny. But I just want to sleep. And I'm cold. lol. Aaaaaa. So how's your day going? Did you enjoy skipping your second class?
Matt: Sure, bored out of my mind
Christina: Sorry love. If you were here I'd put you on chicken soup detail.
Matt: Yep, and I'd so do it. That sounds really good right now
Christina: Doesn't it though? We're going to cook a lot when you come up, just because we have the resources here.
Matt: haha
Christina: When does your life at Best Buy begin?
Matt: Dunno, training Saturday 9am
Christina: Gotcha. Are you a cashier, or floor person, or both?
Matt: Floor person
Christina: Awesome. I wish I could visit....if I hit the lottery I'll come down, buy a cd from you, and then after your shift I'm stealing you to look at houses.
Matt: Buy a movie
Christina: Fine. A movie. Maybe 2
Matt: You haven't seen enough
Christina: You can give me recommendations. Your job as floorsperson to me.
Matt: I'll give you tons of good ones
Christina: Only 2. Not tons; I can't carry tons. Max of like 150lbs
Matt: But you can carry loads more than 2
Christina: Right, but I don't want too much
Matt: Fine
Christina: Too much exertion in this state and I'll have an asthma attack
Matt: haha
Christina: And then what'll you do? I can't get out my credit card if I can't breathe, so then you make no sale, and all is lost
Matt: Yes
Christina: So watch that.
Matt: I will
Christina: Good good. You're a fine husband. I so have to tell my mom that tomorrow. "Guess what mom? I'M MARRIED!"
Matt: She hasn't heard that we are married?
Christina: Well it just happened, and I haven't been home
Matt: What is that?
Christina: And she was sleeping when I called last night. Better to see her for the reaction, anyway. Some things need to be said in person
Matt: haha, gotcha
Christina: I need to find a nice big fake ring....hmm.
Matt: haha
Christina: Maybe I need to hit up the mall, go to Claire's.
Matt: Tell her it is in the mail
Christina: Ahh, that would be so weird. Can you imagine? Getting a hunk of a ring through the mail. I'd freak out. Strangeness.
Matt: I just might have to do that
Christina: LOL alright well, you'll shock the hell out of me if you do. Remember sterling silver or platinum is the way to go; I'm allergic to gold haha
Matt: yup
Christina: I have to line my white-gold class ring w/clear nailpolish to wear it. So annoying
Matt: I need to know a finger size
Christina: Um...like a 5.5 or 6 I think. I'd have to check when I go home to make sure
Matt: K
Christina: Remind me. hahah
Matt: I can do that
Christina: So. I just noticed you commented on the convo postings I did. I love this line: "We are one of two mammals that have sex for pleasure, so really, being abstinent would drive everyone insane." lol, as if we aren't insane already? hehe
Matt: Yeah, but it is true, to deny ourselves pleasure is denying yourself the sense to live
Christina: Agreed. I was just amused. And thus they best continue to allow abortions to be legal, as I have no inclination to give up men and be a lesbian. And DUDE that thing about your shoe/foot on Murphy Brown being an indicator of being gay! You so did that at my party and we made all the guys do that
Matt: Oh that's right, I remember that
Christina: Yeah it was quite funny. mMy dad did it the straight way, w/out knowing what we were looking for, and my mom was relieved.
Matt: haha
Christina: So what are you going to be up to tonight?
Matt: Goin' out to the Pearl. Hopefully dancin' with the guy I'm goin' on the date with tomorrow
Christina: Awesome, awesome. And what's the lucky boy's name?
Matt: To be disclosed at a later time
Christina: Ok
Matt: Parentheses are for your eyes only
Christina: I got that. Stealthy
Matt: hehe
Christina: Well that is very well and good. I hope you have a grand time
Matt: I do too
Christina: And thanks for switching up the myspace so I can read it again. hehe
Matt: Good, I try. I liked the other one and I could read it
Christina: Ah. Well my screen rejected the checkered portion and it was overtop of all type, thus my squinting and hopes for clicking on the right thing to leave a comment, haha
Matt: haha
Christina: Hi there gorgeous. You were eaten for 3 seconds. Are the internet gods being shifty?
Matt: Grr I got that message but then couldn't respond ahh it won't let me send the message shit!!!!!! So to answer your question, yes! They are being fucking shifty!!! There we go
Christina: ..Ok then. Fucking internet gods. Aaaaa people are stupid.
Matt: Yes, we knew that already, but why this sudden statement?
Christina: Dawn got back together with her bf. Who has mentally/verbally abused her for months. Apparently he changed. In a weekend.
Matt: Yeah... I never understand shit like that
Christina: Me neither. I mean, I guess I can't talk toooo much since I have repetitive tendencies, but no one ever like verbally abused me on a serious basis or anything like that....it's just silly. She's only going to have things be ok for a few days and then revert back...sigh. People.
And this one just ends. Go figure. :)