If only life were a video game...

Oct 16, 2005 16:30

Christina: How goes it? :-)
Matt: Alright I suppose
Christina: What are you up to now?
Matt: Research on my final paper. I have to pick a person and write a paper on them
Christina: Fun times
Matt: A person I would want to model my life after
Christina: Who are you going to pick? Any idea?
Matt: Not at the moment, but I'm thinking either a phototgrapher, the one who was displayed in Museum of Modern Art when I went to NYC, or a gay activist
Christina: Gotcha. :-) Good ideas. I don't know much about anyone in those arenas. I'm not very cultured with photography or activists.
Matt: I thought so
Christina: Well I am currently looking through files from the EPA on sites, which is highly amusing :-P It's about as wonderful as my sore throat.
Matt: Aw, poor sgf
Christina: Tis ok. I'm cutting class (well, I sent my prof an email saying I wasn't going in) to recover, and working on this stupid thing. lol. So really, being sick is kinda beneficial to my homework.
Matt: And who are we avoiding today?
Christina: Oh. Not real avoidance. Since dad is at work, I could use his computer b/c it has a better printer hookup. And it has a faster speed. But I didn't feel like signing off my usual SN, so I just signed into this one.
Matt: haha okay. At least you knew what I was talking about
Christina: Yeah :-) I figured I would get that inquiry. hehe. There's really no one to avoid at the moment. I'm on fairly decent terms with everybody.
Matt: I didn't even see this name when I signed on. I saw your away message and that was all. Then you messaged me, and I saw that you were away still. I thought maybe it had changed so I pressed the "get info" button and it said you weren't away. And I was like, "Yes she is; it says so on my buddy list." Then it donned on me
Christina: hehe yeah...two SN's, it's high-quality stuff. And you're the only one I ever talk to on this one, so feel super special ;-)
Matt: YIPPIE. And guess what I just found? A gay photographer
Christina: Awesome! Combination of both ideas. Brb love; going to get something soothing to drink (and no, not Kahlua. I wish)
Matt: haha k
Christina: Okily dokily. I get sidetracked easily.
Matt: As do I
Christina: Do you get sidetracked by cleaning? I had to organize the pantry.
Matt: Sometimes
Christina: Well that is good to know.
Matt: Like that one day I rearranged my room
Christina: Right right :-) Oh, and I wanted to ask you, b/c I was about to edit convos yesterday then realized I didn't know, what am I to edit out? All things about Jason? Things about Jay? Both?
Matt: Doesn't matter
Christina:...so you don't care if that random stuff is left in?
Matt: Nope
Christina: Okay. :-) Fun stuff. Maybe one of them will complain to a mutual friend about you posting about them. That is always a blast to hear about.
Matt: I would bet. My foot's asleep
Christina: Sorry about your foot. As long as it's still attached, you're good to go. But yeah...I tried to be nice, and emailed Zach asking if we were ever going to talk again. B/c really, he had been calling me a lot before I found out things, and now it's just deadspace with nothing. So I emailed, and was like, "Hey, I'd like to know what, if anything, we'll chat about, and wanted to say that if you have something to tell me, I'd prefer that you did it than have Jordan tell me." But yeah. Jordan told me the next day to stop emailing Zach, so my point didn't get across...blah.
Matt: Ass
Christina: It's just stupid...I don't understand it. But, I mean, what else is new.
Matt: We were not meant to be understood
Christina: :-P Well damn your genetics, then
Matt: Contradicting what I said last night, but I make perfect sense so that voids your statement that men make no sense
Christina: I didn't agree with you saying that you made perfect sense, though; I just ceased to argue. Part of men making no sense is that they can't comprehend all the details and rationale of my statements.
Matt: I might not make sense to you, or anyone else for that matter but I make sense to me. And that's all that does matter
Christina: Aaaa sounds like a Zach rationale to me! :-) hehe. You make sense to me most of the time. There are just certain moments when the testosterone just fucks up the thoughts, and that is when I just tilt my head at you and smile.
Matt: But unlike Zach I explain myself and try to enlighten you to my rationale
Christina: Very true
Matt: If you still don't understand, not my fault
Christina: hehe that is true, I will give you that. And I appreciate the effort of trying to get me to understand, or at least, ya know, communicating. It's a marvelous concept.
Matt: Isn't it though? It needs to be taught better
Christina: Agreed. The world would be a much better, more logical, place.
Matt: Wtf. This is our horoscope: Your mind will be a million miles away. Travel, learning and interacting with people who stimulate your mind should be on your agenda. Love is looking very promising; if you want to make a commitment, this is a great day.
Christina: I hate most horoscopes. I so know that is faulty.
Matt: Yeah
Christina: My mind may be a million miles away, but it always is...haha
Matt: Love is not looking promising
Christina: Nope. Not at all. Let me emphasize that "not at all." lol. But I am sorry things sort of fell apart for you, honey.
Matt: They haven't officially but I'm not holding my breath. So check out tomorrow's: Strictly business: That's what you should be sticking to. Getting involved in the personal life of a friend will backfire. Love may take a turn, but in the end it will be to your benefit.
Christina: LOL goddamn. Kind of a switcheroo
Matt: Yeah
Christina: Fascinating. "In the end it will be to your benefit." I hate that idea. Today will suck but in 5 years you'll be ok. Fucking a, that doesn't help me today!
Matt: They are covering their asses
Christina: Yeah. Bastards. Well honey, I think I am going to go vegetate for a while, then take a shower....have a lovely remainder of a morning, and I'll ttyl. Contact the cell if you need me :-D
Matt: Wait
Christina: K
Matt: You need to read Jay's xanga
Christina: Ok, hold a sec :-) I don't agree with him
Matt: I'm trying to think of something good to say
Christina: Love definitely does exist, and it isn't a crutch like he makes it out to be
Matt: I don't either
Christina: Saying that you don't believe in it is in itself a safety mechanism; if you claim not to believe, you have no reason to get real close, thus trying to protect against getting hurt down the road. And real love I don't think is selfish; it's self-less. Real love you care more about the other person than yourself.
Matt: I think it better just not to say anything
Christina: Alright. Well, I am just throwing that all out there for ya. Christina's comments on love :-) Pretty good that they exist, considering how bitter I am
Matt: The next time he tells me we are "together" I'm going to ask him, "In what way shape or form have we been 'together'?"
Christina: Yeah... does he know that you read the site?
Matt: Most likely. Wow this is frustrating
Christina: Well damn, that is fucking frustrating!
Matt: I need love
Christina: :-( Sorry that I'm not a guy. hehe
Matt: I'm just saying
Christina: I know. And I love you, but not how you want since I'm a girl, thus my comment. :-)
Matt: Yes yes grrrrrrr
Christina: Sorry honey. Life is complex and difficult. If I knew a cheat code, I'd share
Matt: haha if life were a video game
Christina: Yes. Exactly that concept...
Matt: So yeah, that is about it
Christina: Sigh. Damn men that don't commit!
Matt: If Jay doesn't want love there is no reason for us to be together
Christina: Yeah.
Matt: Because that is what I want, and that is what I want to give
Christina: I know. And it's also the relationship you deserve.
Matt: Well whatever, his choice. Not gonna lose any sleep over it
Christina: :-) K. You are more stable than I am. hehe. And I mean that in a definite good way
Matt: Well it isn't like I confessed my undying love for him
Christina: Yeah I know, hence you being more stable. hehe
Matt: ggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Christina: :-( Do you know when you're going to see/talk to him next?
Matt: Nope, I saw him yesterday while I was at the mall with Perry and he didn't even bother to call me
Christina: Sigh. That sucks....
Matt: Yes ma'am it does
Christina: Well, he's a silly pants for letting you go. That's all I have to say about that. Stupid boy he is. Sugar sugar. I'm going to wander off now, as I feel that I have nothing productive to add... :-( If you need me, contact the cellular device. Love you.
Matt: C ya
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