Sep 20, 2005 20:22
Matt: I'm gonna send you my journal in a little bit
Auto response from Christina: Chatting with mom
Christina: Ok darlin'. I'll be here.
Auto response from Matt: In class
Matt: Goodie. So yeah, I'm writing it instead of paying attention in class. But I'm taking notes, hitting highlights
Christina: You're a good multi-tasker
Matt: So I've been told
Christina: Yep, well it certainly must be true.
Matt: Sent. Class is over; transfering buildings
Christina: Ok sweetie. Have a good trip.
Matt: Alright so I traveled all over the building trying to find an empty study alcove. Finally found one with only one other person
Christina: Did you find one, or are you hanging from the ceiling now?
Matt: But he got the side with the electrical outlet
Christina: Fucker.
Matt: Yes he is
Christina: I'd beat him down for you if I could
Matt: With his crappy VIAO computer
Christina: Yep. That would become an implement of destruction against his cranium
Matt: Ouch, that sounds really painful
Christina: I would imagine so. Laptops are sorta, ya know, hard cased. Anything against your head is ouchy.
Matt: What was it I hit my head against the other day that was extremely painful?.. damn it, I can't remember
Christina: Shit! Memory loss from the pain!
Matt: haha
Christina: You poor thing. Prob was a concussion. Now you've lost all recollection of the incident, doomed to smack into it again.
Matt: Well I am clumsy by nature. But hey, has the package been sent?
Christina: Unfortunately no. I bought the box today and filled it up, but the thing I ordered hasn't come yet. But as soon as it gets itself here, you shall soon have food.
Matt: Thank god
Christina: Poor Matt.
Matt: Because I was really searching today
Christina: Awww. Hopefully I can ship it reallllly soon
Matt: I'm living off of bananas
Christina: Awwww! That sucks. Yeah, you will have more than bananas.
Matt: For some reason that is the only thing that keeps stock in the house
Christina: Not even the cereal is in stock?
Matt: Nope
Christina: Fuckers.
Matt: Did I tell you how I found ramen the other day?
Christina: No, you didn't
Matt: I found one single solitary package of ramen, after really digging through cans of veggies. I was so excited! I should have taken it and hid it for a rainy day, but I ate it then and there
Christina: hehe yeah.... that really makes me sad.
Matt: And I'm really regreting that
Christina: I'm editing now
Matt: Take your time
Christina: K. I always want to come back to Florida and smack your dad for doing this to you on the day I left.
Matt: Yeah, talk about a sad day
Christina: I know. It really was. I didn't want to leave, and then I wanted to go back and be soothing since he's a jerkface.
Matt: Yeah, he's more than that. And the kid left! I can have the electrical outlet!
Christina: Yay! He prob could get my mean vibe coming towards him thru your laptop
Matt: Probably
Christina: hehe. Question: when you first came out to your folks, didn't they say it was okay if you brought guys over, and then he changed his mind during that Monday speech?
Matt: Well it was cool if they came to visit, like as in for like 5 minutes. As if they were just there to pick me up sort of thing. Now it is more of they need to wait in the car type of thing
Christina: Aaaa that's retarded. What if it was just a guy friend, not even a gay one, how would they differentiate? Aaaa aaaa they make no sense. Which I know you know. But it just bewilders me.
Matt: Yeah.....I know
Christina: Sorry baby. America needs a good shaking.
Matt: hahaha by the british nanny
Christina: By whoever. Someone that possesses some common sense and rationalized thought. "She told me she didn't know me anymore and that she no longer wanted to take me anywhere looking the way I was dressed. " were you dressed?
Matt: Tight jeans and a tight shirt. Really, I thought I looked trendy
Christina: That is trendy.
Matt: But apparently I looked gay
Christina: I think everyone makes up stuff when they're looking for reasons to support their claims
Matt: Well my hair also looked gay apparently
Christina: Mohawk is not gay, if anything, it's punk.
Matt: Well, not to them
Christina: Well.....dammit. Stupid ass people.
Matt: Yeah, there's lots of them
Christina: I know. America needs to thin out the herd of non-rational beings.
Matt: Um, then we would be left wide open for invasion
Christina: hehe true....fucking A. I sent it back
Matt: Goodie
Christina: And unfortunately, it's time for dinner with gram. I'll be back in like an hour, ok? Ttyl. Love you
Matt: OMG. Oreos
Christina: I bought you some, yes... hehe
Matt: Awesome!
Christina: And you will be Reese's stocked
Christina: Hell no, you're fucking thin! My goodie package is not going to do anything to you. But I gotta go for now baby. hehe tty in a bit
Matt: Later
Christina: Laters
Christina: ...and I'm back.
Matt: And you are. And you ate, and I haven't
Christina: And I'm sorry. And I packaged up your food. And I wish I could send it.
Matt: I can understand wanting to send it all as one
Christina: Yeah...that is pretty much the idea. And I know you'll like it all, so why not make it one mass of happiness? hehe. It's kind of a big box. You should open it where your parents can see, wahahaha
Matt: haha I'll be sure to do that
Christina: Excelente. How'd you like my editing job?
Matt: Sorry, I was too busy talking to Kevin. Haven't checked it
Christina: Oh that's fine, socialization is important
Matt: Go to myspace and look at the bulletin I just posted
Christina: K. The survey?
Matt: No, wait a few minutes
Christina: Ok. Aww, right this second you want a banana?! Awwww. My poor starving gbf
Matt: No, I need food, and not a banana
Christina: Oh. Right. Sorry. Misread, I guess I need my eyes checked. Fuck
Matt: haha
Christina: So on your survey, life to you is basically boys, sex, alcohol, video games, and swimming. Um. yeah. I don't fit under any of those categories, my friend. What the hell.
Matt: haha yes you do; you encompass them all
Christina: What?! I do not encompass them all, silly one
Matt: Because who else do I share all of my boys, sex, alcohol, video games, and swimming with?
Christina: Hm. I guess you do have a point there. Although I don't really hear many stories about video games or swimming, hehe
Matt: Well I don't do them that much anymore. Until tomorrow; two games I really want come out tomorrow, and then another one next week. And you forgot movies
Christina: hehe you didn't list movies, I don't think
Matt: And swimming you did hear about. And I thought I did. But you will hear more about swimming when club season begins
Christina: Fuck. Yeah you did list movies...I really can't read today...I don't know how you trust me to edit...hehe. Well that is fun, when does the season initiate?
Matt: I'm not sure yet; I haven't gotten an e-mail back
Christina: Gotcha
Matt: Did you read it yet? And Journal has been edited. Thank you very much. I think I'm getting better, but I still need you. I didn't even give it to Jay. I know he is busy and I know you love me that much
Christina: Your latest bulletin I can't see yet, so I can't read it yet. And I'm glad that you need me still. And yes, your writing is improving 'cause you rock.
Matt: :-)
Christina: And yes I love you. MORE than editing, really.
Matt: :-) haha
Christina: I will always edit for you. hehe
Matt: Good to know. Oh, so how bout the Alanis Morissette Jagged Little Pill acoustic version of "Ironic" makes me happy. You remember the original version?
Christina: Yes I do. Isn't it ironic? Dontcha think?
Matt: She says, "It's like meeting the man of my dreams, then meeting his beautiful wife," well in the new version she says "meeting his beautiful husband"
Christina: hehe oh yeah? Fun stuff! And yes I'm reading your bulletin now
Matt: I was so excited. Goodie, I reposted it
Christina: That was really well written. I like that lady
Matt: Me too. A lot. Oh shit, I forgot I need to get gas, and I have no money. Damn it. I have to use the parents card. They are going to be pissed
Christina: What else is new. Stupid people are often pissed
Matt: haha that's great
Christina: It's truth
Matt: haha. Check your facebook wall
Christina: Should I be scared?
Matt: Maybe
Christina: Omg. MORE porn?! lol. My wall will never be clean. hehe
Matt: hahaha, nope, never
Christina: hehe sure makes for entertainment. I'm sure Ellen has to go to church whenever you inadvertantly comes across it. *She not you. Sigh
Matt: Um. Reread all of that. Oh waitm, nevermind. You did catch that one
Christina: I fucked up but then corrected myself
Matt: I missed the correction
Christina: It's all good. Had I reread in the first place it would have been alright
Matt: So how bout the two guys in here now are really bothering me? True. God damn I'm hungry. Fuck
Christina: So I'll beat down those guys for you, and bring you a sandwich...
Matt: I'm gonna shut up about typing corrections. I hate being hipicritical
Christina: No worries love. What was that? Hypocritical? hehe
Matt: And I so typed that too, damn it
Christina: It's ok honey, I love you anyway
Matt: I was like I'm not a hypocondriac. I'm a hippo
Christina: God I hope you're not a hippo! They're quite deadly
Matt: But somewhat adorable
Christina: Somewhat. From a distance, where they can't kill you with their massiveness.
Matt: Well in that sense any large animal can be deadly
Christina: Yep. Could be squished into the size of a quarter. Well. Maybe a half-dollar
Matt: ha
Christina: Certainly big critters are dangerous. Remember the evil moose? Yes, they could trample you to bits as well. Silly mooses.
Matt: But they were still cute, and we got awfully close
Christina: True true. And we survived, fancy that
Matt: Yes we did. And I've seen hippos and survived. Just not in the wild
Christina: Right. Well I have seen hippos in the zoo. But there were big slabs of concrete keeping me from getting battered.
Matt: haha well I'm gonna head home. I'll ttyl
Christina: Ok sweetie. Drive safe
Matt: Mwah
Christina: ::muahh::
Matt: Alright so how bout we ordered pizza... it is going to take 40 minutes.
Christina: is good. Eventhough you're hungry now.
Matt: Yeah
Christina: I just printed up labels for your package
Matt: Yippie
Christina: Yeah..I know. It doesn't help at the present. And this printer is junk. Sigh. lol
Matt: So how about that time waster I did was supposed to be done differently; I was supposed to answer the questions with titles of songs from the band I choose
Christina: hehe oh really? Oh well, I didn't know
Matt: Well I redid it, and it was more fun
Christina: hehe that is good. I have to look at it again now
Matt: Yup, you do
Christina: I really do like your Gay Street picture. That one, and the one of you with Nicole, are my faves that you rotate
Matt: I hate the one of me and Nicole. I look pale as fuck. I think pizza is here
Christina: I think it's cute though....oooh. Pizza was semi-speedy
Matt: Alright, done eating pizza
Christina: What flavor did you kids get?
Matt: Cheese. My perfect pizza
Christina: Awesomeness.
Matt: Yup
Christina: Is it horrible of me to snicker every time I read an email from the campus crusaders?
Matt: haha no. John Summerville, what an idiot
Christina: OMG I didn't tell you. Yeah he is not in charge of that anymore. He's not even an officer
Matt: What happened?
Christina: I don't know. Ellen is secretary, and apparently she felt that Simi, Laura, and Matt W. were doing things w/out asking her, so she wanted to talk to John about it, but found out he had given it all up
Christina: She doesn't even know why he quit
Matt: Whoa
Christina: Indeed. Hey baby, I'm going to watch tv for a bit. If you need me for anything (editing or otherwise), hit up the cell
Matt: You, watch TV?
Christina: YES I KNOW! Amazing, huh? With the parentals, it'll be high quality
Matt: Well have fun
Christina: Oh but of course. I only wish you were here
Matt: hehe
Christina: ::muahh::
Matt: Oh, I remember what it was I was going to tell you
Auto response from Christina: Tv...oooh. look at the glow.
Hit up the cell if you want me.
Christina: What were you going to tell me?
Matt: Me and Jay finally did it. That was all
Christina: Alright :)
Matt: But I didn't want to glout or anything; just let you know
Matt's temporarily MIA from the online family.
Christina: lol whatever makes you happy honey. And I think you wanted gloat, not glout...
Matt: Grrr no idea what that was
Christina: No worries; you're talking to the girl who constantly battles wireless
Matt: But I think mine was more of a computer issue
Christina: Gotcha. all sucks.
Matt: Yeah. Fuck. What do you tell someone who wants to kill themselves?
Christina: Well if you know the person you can think of things that make their life worth living -- people, things they like, what they want in their future, how much they mean to people, how time is ever changing and even if it really sucks, things will shift and get better
Matt: But I don't know the person
Christina: Well...stick to the last part about things getting better with time
Matt: But I tried reaching out. But then some guy told me I was beautiful
Christina: Well, you are amazing yeah, that is understandable
Matt: But it was kinda of weird
Christina: ::shrugs:: People generally are weird. What'd you say in reply?
Matt: I'm not, but thanks for thinking that :-)
Christina: hehe
Matt: So how bout this guy facebooked me, and then how bout the guy I went on that date with a while back was on my facebook but he has since deleted me. How shitty is that. Yeah
Christina: That is shitty. But I mean, do you REALLY care?
Matt: Hopefully getting a phone call soon. Yes
Christina: From?
Matt: I wanted to be his friend. Jay
Christina: Gotcha... on both accounts
Matt: He even came up to me at the club and said hi
Christina: Fun fun
Matt: But now he deleted me as a friend
Christina: People rarely ever know what they want
Matt: So no, not fun
Christina: No fun, but at least he did say hi.
Matt: Well he kind of was showing off his date, which if you recall is what he did with me
Christina: Oh. Yeah. Fucker.
Matt: Yup
Christina: Well you don't want to be his friend then
Matt: Damn it, where is my phone call? I want to sleep
Christina: I dunno sweetie
Matt: Stewie said orgasmic
Christina: He's dirty, what do you expect?
Matt: Also funny
Christina: Yes dirty and funny, but that often goes together
Matt: Not necessarily. Bums. They are dirty and no one should laugh at them
Christina: Can't say I have seen very many. I'm sort of evil though, so I might laugh under the right circumstances.
Matt: Ouch
Christina: Sorry love
Matt: Well, as long as when I'm a starving artist on the street you won't laugh at me
Christina: Pft. You think I'd let you be on the streets?!
Matt: No, I know you wouldn't let me. My parents might not take me in but you and yours would
Christina: As sad as it is to think your parents might not take you in...yeah. You are always welcome where ever I may happen to be.
Matt: Refuse bin
Christina: Huh?
Eek! My beloved gayboyfriend disappeared before my eyes! Well, at least before my eyes that were looking at the screen and the words he was typing..
Matt: Sorry, what was the last thing you said?
Christina: Huh? (regarding the refuse bin)
Matt: Oh. Family Guy. Stewie got so fat and fell into a garbage can and couldn't get out. Then these two guys saw him and they said refuse bin
Christina: Gotcha, it's all making sense to me now.
Matt: Sure it is
Christina: Yep yep. Clear and crystal. Has your phone jingled yet?
Matt: No :-(
Christina: Awww, when was he supposed to call?
Matt: When he got off work, which should have been about 10 minutes ago. But I'm giving him till midnight
Christina: Must have had to work over. Oh well, he'll call soon
Matt: I really hope this guy on myspace that has been leaving comments doesn't do what he thinks he is talking about doing
Christina: Yeah...I went to see that. Matt? His name is Matt? How do you know him?
Matt: I don't. Not sure how we became friends
Christina: Gotcha. And he just randomly decided to tell you he was going to do that? So weird.
Matt: No; a journal entry that I read
Christina: Oh. Well, iI have heard that often if people make it known that they are thinking about killing themselves, it means that they actually have doubts about it, and are looking for attention/people to pull them back from that ledge. So hopefully those that know him notice this, and can use more persuasive methods -- since they know more details or whatever
Matt: But I still feel like I should do something
Christina: What can you do for someone you don't know? There's only so much you can say, honey
Matt: But if I can reach him, then I saved his life
Christina: True. Well you are talking to him, and I bet it is helping, even if he isn't letting on
Matt: I sure as fuck hope so. I really don't want to open the paper tomorrow, and find a 20 year old named Matt in there
Christina: I know. Good luck
Matt: And no phone call
Christina: I'm sorry baby. He must have gotten really busy. I'm sure he wants to call.
Matt: Oh well, no biggie
Christina: Yeah... no worry
Matt: Alright
Christina: Zach went back to campus today, but didn't make an effort to see me before he left. In fact, I haven't talked to him since he was in Florida; John told me when he was going and whatever. So...yeah. But yeah. Get some sleep.
Matt: Damn. He is missing out. But yes. Hope you have a good night. Mwah!
Christina: Thanks, you too! Sweet dreams! ::muahh:: Love you
Matt: Loves!