Lost my muchness, have I?

Mar 08, 2010 09:21

~ Saw Alice in Wonderland on Saturday.  I really did like it.  I think I'll like it more when I get a chance to see it again.  I think people missed a lot of things.  It was amusing though.  I enjoyed it.

~ I watched the Oscar's last night.  I haven't seen most of the movies nominated.  I have a lot to catch up on.

~ My sister is getting married in June.  I'm "throwing" her bridal shower.  It's in May.  It's going, but whatever.

~ bosslady731 and I got tickets to Glee! Live in Concert! in New York.  I'm incredibly excited.  I can't wait until April 13 for new episodes, but we're going to see the live!!  It's a stressful thing, buying tickets for something you really want to go to.  We couldn't find to seats together for the first half an hour.  We got tickets though.  We're going.  We need places to go to in New York though, so send some suggestions: places to see, places to eat, etc.

~ I need to start writing again.  I haven't written any fiction in a while, but I really need to work on my original stuff.  I also need to find some other people who write paranormal romance or contemporary fantasy.  I think it would be helpful to get feedback from people who read and write what I read and write.

~ I heard people are trying to put together a community theatre together.  It's exciting.  I want to get involved with that, so we'll have to see what happened.

~ Everybody's Fine is sitting at home for me to watch.  It came in from Netflix on Saturday.  I'm looking forward to it.

I think that's it.  Oh, I totally stole this format from lexiesloan and I hope she doesn't mind.  :)


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