more of monday

Nov 17, 2008 02:22

Ty           It was about an hour later when she heard a loud set of foot steps then a heavy hand on a wooden door on the other end of the hall. 
            Knock, knock, knock. “Is Persephany here? Oh. Sorry.” Footsteps.

Knock, knock, knock. “Is Persephany here? Oh. Sorry.” Footsteps.

Knock, knock, knock. “Is Persephany here?” She opened her door to see Jim standing down the hall way.  He looked down the hall and saw her head sticking out of her door way like a cartoon. “Never mind.” He rushed down the hallway to her door looking minutely pink.  “Do you like steak?” She nodded slowly. “Okay, oh. Here.” He held out a fresh bouquet of flowers. “Oh do you have a vase? You probably don’t have a vase. I should have thought of that. Damn it.”  She waited for him to stop to pull the vase within arms reach of the door into view.  “Oh. Great.” He set the flowers in it.  Persephany looked down the hall way and saw numerous heads sticking out doors looking at the very tall man.  She grabbed Jim and hauled him into her room.

“Just stay here while I fill this.”  She took the vase into the bathroom and began filling it with cold water.  Apparently she was a bit nervous as the water that was nice and cool suddenly scalded her hand.  “Damn it.”  She took the vase and flowers back into her room, shaking her slightly burned hand.  Finding a place for the flowers took a second but she cleared enough space, then grabbed her coat.  “Ready.”  Jim smiled and headed to his truck.  He stopped her a few yards away so he could get in and start it before she was too close.  The ride to the steak house was long and awkward.  Both tried to make conversation and it failed miserably for both, dissolving into silence.  Once as they drove, Persephany tried to start up conversation and just gave up.  Next to them a car’s engine exploded and began to slow down.

“It’s not my truck. It’s not my truck,” Jim repeated quietly to himself.  They arrived at the Steak house and Persephany saw the wait at the door. They were going to be here for ever.  But Jim just walked up to the door and held out a hand to her, bringing her into the warm building.  They were sat at a table in the dimly lit dinning room.  The waitress came and took their orders, which was just how they wanted their steaks cooked and what they wanted to drink.  As they sat Persephany finally began to relax and actually enjoy herself.  As they sat, she let her eyes sweep the room to see Robert and a very familiar man sitting at a table with what looked like a decent group of goons.  The familiar man was wearing a white suit and it took a moment for her to remember that he was the man all those months ago that offered her and Lucas a ride in his limonene.  Lucas had refused with a kind of ferocity that had scared her at the time and he had explained it with one word.  Vampire.  He saw her and raised a glass to her from across the room.  Jim slid his chair back, his eyes growing dark.  Jim pushed his chair away from the table and she grabbed his hand and pulled him back to it.

The vampire and the necromancer were having dinner together.  TOGETHER.  Persephany sat up a little taller as a waiter arrived with a tall glass of champagne.  “Compliments of the gentleman.” He pointed at the table she had been watching.   The man in the white suit nodded at her and raised his glass again taking a slow drink from it.  She felt Jim push back from the table again as the glass touched the table.  She grabbed his hand and pulled him back to the table once more.

“No. You can’t no.. no.. no… “ Persephany’s ability to speak was quickly leaving but she knew she had to explain to Jim exactly what was going on.  Making slow motions she indicated the table with the two.  “Can’t no. Necromancer and vampire. Have to leave. Have to get out now.”  Jim’s eyes widened in understanding and alarm.  He flagged down the waitress and got the bill, who looked very confused but got them the bill.  Persephany grabbed her coat as Jim shouldered his on and they headed for the door.

Standing between them and freedom was the man in the white suit.  He smiled at them as they slowed, stopping a few feet away from him.  “I’m sorry, I hope I did not mean to upset your evening,” he said with a smile.

“No… no.. I’m uhh ummm “Persephany grasped around for words that didn’t sound completely lame, “I’m not feeling well.”  The man’s expression turned sympathetic though the expression did not reach his eyes.

“My sympathies, hopefully you will feel better,” He reached out his hand to Persephany who stiffened and backed up into Jim.

“I’m sorry we really have to go.”  Persephany grabbed Jim and pulled him outside into the cold air.  They hurried toward Jim’s truck and only made it half way.   There was a rush of air behind them and Jim staggered next to her.  Persephany reached for him and helped him down to find a steel dart sticking out from his back.  She only got a moment to look around herself before a second dart imbedded itself into her thigh.  The world suddenly grew very dark and quiet.

There was something cold and hard under Persephany’s cheek.  Upon closer inspection, which was mainly her opening her eyes she saw it was an unfinished concrete floor.  She tried to get up and found that her hands had been handcuffed behind her back and that Jim was across the floor from her, was still passed out with a thick metal band around his neck that attached to a cuff around his one arm.  There was a faint hiss which let Persephany know that the metal was cold iron.  They were both missing jackets and shoes and Persephany realized she was missing her foci ring.  She could see there was one person at the door and then heard footsteps coming towards the room.

“Have they been secured properly?”  It was the voice of the vampire.

“Yes. I have removed the witch’s rings and other jewelry and the fae has been bound in iron.” The second voice was familiar somehow but she could not place it.  The footsteps moved closer and the figured moved into the door frame.  She quickly shut her eyes and tried not to look awake.

“I still think you should just kill them.” The other man said.

“No they are bait for my son.  Having his friends in danger should bring him too me.”

“You could kill them and tell him they are still alive.”

“True but I can think of better things to do to them than killing them out right.”

“Thank you, Warden. It’s so nice to have an expert when it comes to this.” The vampire said.  The pair walked off and Persephany’s heart began to race.  A wizard being changed by a vampire could only result in truly horrible things and the last thing she wanted was to be turned.  Not to even mention what they might do to Jim.  Heart racing, Persephany made the choice between the lesser of two evils.

Digging her nails into her right palm and pressed the drops of blood onto the cement floor and called out softly but with Power, a single word.


She waited and there was a soft shimmer in a corner.  A small mouse ran out of the corner straight for her face.  It stopped a foot away and spoke softly, “My master is unable to enter this location due to boundaries that have been set up around it.  What do you require?”

“Tell your master that if he wishes to keep me in his service he might want to do something. I am being held by a Vampire and a Necromancer that might well kill me. You tell him that.”  She tried to keep her voice soft and even but an edge of desperation began to color her words and bring tears to her eyes.  Talk about a rock and an endless abyss.  The mouse nodded, then turned back towards the wall scurrying away.  Persephany curled up and tried not to cry.

Time passed and sounds began filtering down the hallway.  Gunfire? Running footsteps? All coming far too close.  She tried to sit up, as the door was blown in and two people in body armor burst in and stopped just in the doorway.  The noise was enough cause Jim to flinch and wake up.  He looked confused and he grimaced in pain.

“Two in here. Humans.”

“Get them clear.”  They approached quickly and stood up Persephany and Jim.  The soldiers rushed the two outside, where Persephany turned on the person nearest her and let out a rush of wind that caused the person to scream and begin trying to cover their face.  Just outside there was several hummers and about a dozen shapes in armor.   There was a man with a mustache yelling at her.  She started to turn away.

“Come this way, the wards must be coming back up. This way!” He began motioning and she saw Jim was being ushered that way.  She turned and ran back towards him.  They had begun trying to saw the cuff around his neck off and she could see the irritation around it getting worse.

“You have to get something in between the band and his skin!” She yelled as she got close.  The man that had yelled at her looked at her oddly.

“Why, what’s wrong with him?”

“Skin condition.  He’s allergic to the metal.”  She didn’t look at him and stayed focus on Jim.  They began stuffing material between the collar and his neck.  The radio squawked and began giving reports about the assault inside the building.

“All remaining resistance has been eliminates” The man smiled, though the expression made Persephany uncomfortable.

“Good, all those freaks are dead.” The word freaks had been dripping with an emotion that made her want to hide and not do magic for a while but she knew she needed to stay with Jim.  Suddenly the radio squawked again.

“What the… Where did that dog come from?   God it’s huge! Stay back… STAY BACK… OH GOD WHAT IS THAT THING?? Fall back … fal back.. fall……” Static erupted from the small device and Persephany knew it had nothing to do with her.

“Units 3 and 4 head in to see what’s happening.  5 and 6 stay ready here.  7 head around back.”  The man walked away again oblivious to both supposed humans they had just rescued.  They never did get the collar cut off Jim and as she was about to see why both soldiers that were guarding them ran off.  There was a hand on her arms and suddenly Hanna appeared next to her, Marcus was standing next to Jim.  She gasps in relief.

“We have to go now!” Persephany whispered urgently.  Hanna nodded.

“I know stay quiet and close.”  They began moving through the trees and quickly arrived at Hanna’s car.  They piled in, Jim behind Hanna, Persephany behind Marcus and drove to the freeway.  Finally away from the house, the whole car seemed to relax.

The next few moment were a blur of motion as a rip in reality opened into the nevernever directly in front of Hanna’s car.  Adam jumped through the opening in complete centaur form and threw a flaming scythe directly down the middle of the car, cutting it in half.  Both halves slid to a halt on either side of the large beast man.  Lucas came out of the whole with a large pack of hunt dogs.  A car drove by the stand off and was suddenly gone with a pounce of one of the large hunt dogs.

Adam wore gleaming armor upon his torso with large spikes at the shoulders and a large helm.  He recalled the scythe to his hand and stared down and the car.  “I will not be deprived of my servant!”  His voice seemed to shake the earth  and that was all it took for Persephany to leave this world for darkness.

Only moments later to her, she opened her eyes to see Jim at her side.  Hanna was yelling at Adam and Persephany knew that was going to end badly.  Lucas was standing out of the way with a good sized black bundle next to Rune and Nate.

“We saved her so you own a boon to me.” Hanna insisted only making the large being angrier.  Persephany got out of the car and walked up to the fray.  Lucas nodded at her, his hands full of a black bundle.  She went to him and he handed it to her.

“I tried to grab everything but I think I might have been beaten to some of it. You might want to really check was is there.” He seemed to give her a close look as she dug through the bundle.  She jacket, shoes, purse, necklace, and only 3 rings.  Her foci ring was missing.

“Shit.” She said softly as she replaced the rest of the items.  Lucas nodded knowingly.

“Yeah our favorite little collector beat me by seconds.”  The last ring slipped into place and Hanna was still yelling at Adam about how they had saved her from the Vampire when something important flashed in her mind.

“Thank you, Warden. It’s so nice to have an expert when it comes to this.”

Persephany let out a little scream and grabbed the front of Lucas’ shirt with both hands and pulled him down to her.

“It was a warden.”  The words were harsh and soft not wanting Rune to hear her.  Lucas pulled back from her, his face a mix of confusion.


“It was a WARDEN.” She stressed the word apparently too hard as Hanna turned suddenly.

“What?” she echoed Lucas.

“The vampire was talking to someone about how he was going to lure his son and then thanked him for all his help, calling him warden as his did.. the guy even said that the vampire should just kill us but apparently there are better things to do then just death.”  The entire area when still and silent for a moment.  Then Hanna tried again.

“Since we saved her from those forces you still owe us.  All we ask is for safe passage to my home.

“No. I will grant that only to her. You may follow but anything that befell you would not be my concern.”  Adam looked pointedly at Persephany. “I owe you nothing.”

“Hanna just don’t..” Persephany said.  This was going to go nowhere.  Her shoulders dropped and she turned away from the group and started walking down the road, needing to move and get away from that place.

“Fine, I will escort you through the Nevernever.”  She stopped and turned.  Adam looked annoyed and frustrated but he seemed to understand the danger of this group walking down the side of the road.

The walk to Hanna’s house was short but Persephany did not seem to notice as they arrived on the sidewalk in front.  The nevernever zipped closed behind them and they all headed into the house.  Tim was waiting for them.

“What happened??” he looked over the group concerned.

“The White court and the necromancer are working together and that is why my father wanted me to keep the white council busy.” Marcus supplied smoothly.  Tim’s face grew dark.

“I better report this to the Council,” he headed for the stairs and Persephany watched him listening carefully as he spoke but it was not the right voice.  She could not take any more of this.  She got up and started pacing the floor as he made his report and the rest of the group worked over what could be being planed by the two bad guys.

“….they don’t seem to realize there is a traitor in their mist….” The words floated up the stares and Persephany stopped in her tracks at the top of the stairs. “… I don’t thing they are telling me everything but I will keep a close eye on them…”  The other side of the conversation was too faint to hear but it must have ended as Tim began up the stairs.

“Persephany what’s wrong?” Hanna asked from the couch.  There was a small whirl wind that had started around Persephany as she had been listening.  Tim reached the fourth stair and looked up, directly into Persephany’s eyes.  She felt a jolt of pain and saw something she will never forget.

Tim was standing amidst the sounds of battle, he looked to be nine or ten years old.  He was holding a sword double his height and triple his weight.  A shadow would fall over him and he would try to swing the too big blade at it only to stumble and nearly fall.  His eyes looked burdened and afraid but he held his ground even as the sounds of battle grew closer.

Then she was on the ground and could hear a scream from down the stairs and the sound of a body falling.  The world was spinning and all sound began to mush together.

“Areyoualllllright?”  that was Lucas. She looked up then away not wanting to catch his eyes.

“yeah… just a minute….” She grabbed his arms.  There was a solid arm around her waist and she was lifted and set on a soft couch.  Jim sat next to her and she leaned into him shaking.  Hanna finally got Tim up the stairs and on to the opposing couch.

“What happened?” Jim asked.

“That my dear Bridgewater was a soul gaze.” Hanna answered as she turned to look at Tim.  “It is what happens with two humans lock eyes, they get a look at each other’s souls.  Hey Tim…” Hanna shook the smaller man slightly.  His head rolled off to one side

“It wasn’t him.” Persephany said softly. “He wasn’t there, he’s not guilt.”  Lucas, Hanna Jim, and Marcus looked at her but she was looking intently at her lap, her long black hair covering her face.  She was fidgeting with the one lock of white.

“Hey Tim…”Hanna shock him a bit harder, and he slowly slumped over on to the couch.

“I better get back, Master will be wanting his tea,” Lucas headed for the door and a few steps out felt a pull on the back of his coat.  He turned to find Persephany standing behind him with one hand grabbing tightly to the material.

“can I come with you?” the words were very soft.  Lucas looked up to see Jim a few steps behind her looking at him expectantly.

“Sure, it’ll be tight but you are welcome at my place,” He started forward again and the feeling of the hand never let go.  The walk was short and one of the few that felt safe to Persephany, as they reached Lucas’ building he stopped and turned to Jim.

“This is my home and regardless of the problems my father has with you, you are welcome by me.”  He headed up the stairs and was met by Rune who looked very red in the cheek.  Persephany found a chair in a corner and dropped into is staying as small and hidden as she could.  Lucas walked off to talk to his parents and Rune came over to take drink orders.

“Water,” Jim answered for both of them.  Persephany decided not to argue.  She sipped her water until there was a ringing of a phone prompting Lucas to emerge from his bedroom and answer it.

“Jackson residence.”

“No, I was in a different room when it happened so I couldn’t be sure who did it.”

“If I knew for certain I would probably tell you.”

“I’m sure Tim will be fine.”

“Look I didn’t do it so back off.”

“Fine a half hour and the Alex Johnson.”  He looked at the phone pulling it away from his ear.  “Good talking to you too ass.”  He hung it up hard.  “Whelp Mickelson is calling a meeting at the Alex Johnson in a half hour and was demanding to know what happened to Tim, I guess Hanna told him something was up.”  Persephany walked up to him and leaned against the counter.

“You’re going to get into more trouble if you don’t tell him who did it aren’t you?”  she asked softly.  He shrugged uncomitally.

“I’m coming with, I don’t want you to get into any more trouble because of me.”

Lucas looked over at Jim who was sitting in next to the chair Persephany and been sitting in. “Well , I’m not going to stop you but he might.”  He motioned at Jim, who stood and walked over.

“I go where she goes.”  He stated simply.

“Okay,” was the only response Lucas gave.  He walked over to his father and Rune and explained the situation, all three men returned to the living room with robes.  Wizard Jackson had on a color robe, while Rune’s robe was maroon, and Lucas was struggling into an old brown robe.

“This thing smells like the last guy who wore it died in it!”  Lucas made a face as he got the garment seated properly.

“You know they might have,” Rune joked.  Persephany looked at the men in their long robes and pulled her long black jacket a bit tighter around herself.

“At least I won’t look too out of place,” she said to Lucas.  The group headed to the Alex Johnson and was greeted at the door by men wearing long wool gray cloaks.  One held up a hand and stepped in front of the group.

“And who do you think you are bringing with you Jackson?  You were just inducted into the White Counsel, what makes you so bold?” The man’s voice was hard and sharp.  This must be the asshole.  Persephany took a step in front of Lucas and said quietly, “I did it.”  Which was apparently not enough information.  The man’s hand went to the hilt of a large sword that hung from his belt.

“You did what?” he said slowly, the voice now dangerous.

“Back off Mickleson, she was the one that soul gazed Warden Tim and knocked him out for a bit,” Lucas said stepping between them.

“Give me your hand,” Mickleson demanded.  He held out his right hand expecting hers in return but she held her hand to her chest, not wanting him to see the mark her debt to Adam had left.  From behind, a clear voice rang out, “He’s fine!”  Hanna walked up steering Tim ahead of her.  He looked a little out of it still and his eyes got a little bigger when he saw Persephany standing there but he was moving.

“Give me your hand,” Mickleson demanded again.  Hanna let go of Tim, walked up to Persephany and grabbed her hand.  She pushed it into the tall man’s hand and there was a rushing sensation.  Persephany snatched her hand back as Mickleson looked her over carefully.

“Just an aeromancer, some power but not much else.  Yeah she can come it but him,” he looked up at Jim.

“As a member of the Summer Court, I have full fight to be here,” Jim stepped next to Persephany.   Mickleson sneered at him as Hanna stepped along him Jim.

“I also call on the accords giving him full right into the preceding as a member of the Summer Court and White Counsel.”

“You have to pick one.” The warden snarled.

“No, I claim both.” Hanna smiled smoothly at him.

“Fine get in we are going to close the circle,” there was a frighteningly familiar cadence in his voice and Persephany’s eyes went wide.  Just inside the doors she grabbed Lucas and spun him around.

“It’s him,” she was trembling as she looked back over her shoulder at the man in the gray wardens rode named Mickleson.  “It was him.”

“Easy, easy.  Just sit down.”  Lucas guided her to a chair and took the one next to is leaving Jim the one between Persephany and Hanna as she got to the group.

“I call this meeting to order.


“You’re the traitor! You broke the seventh law!” Hanna yelled as the room broke into chaos.  The windows exploded in and several canisters fell to the floor spewing smoke of some kind.  Then a herd of vampires came crashing through the windows and dropped to the floor.  They all looked like some kind of leathery bat human mix and very pissed off.  Hanna faced off with mickleson and began to wrap him up using the potted plants in the room as Lucas ran at Persephany.  She stood from her chair and looked at him levelly and said softly, “Ventas Servitas” as the air began to swirl around her quickly.  He stopped and turned to blast a Vampire that was getting to close.  Hanna was yelling her spells working to keep the corrupt warden encased in vines as he screamed in some unknown language.

Persephany held out her arms as she again lifted off the ground and screamed with the wind as it ripped the flesh from the bones until the skeletons of the vampires stood out against the fine wall paper.  From somewhere behind her, she heard Tim screaming something about ‘the power’ and she caught her reflection in one of the few not destroyed windows.  The wind had whipped up dust and smoke creating a pair of large ragged but imposing wings, her hair few out at back from her almost alive it self.  She turned just in time to see a large black substance lash out from the viney cocoon and pass through half of Hanna’s very changed body.  Her hair was a living flame and she looked taller, thinner, and all together different.  And that was all the more she could take, the strain of the spell sent her tumbling to the ground and the last thing she saw was Jims worried face looking down at her.

When she opened her eyes, she saw a tall half flame half ice woman walking away with a tall figure wearing a large helm with a huge set of antlers.  Lucas was sitting on the ground his hands full of keys and other items and he just watched her walk away with the man.  The rip in the nevernever they walked into sealed up behind them and those remaining just sat there dumb founded.  It took a long time before everyone was able to get up and make sense of what had happened.  Lucas went to check on his father, master, and brother while Tim walked up to Jim who was holding Persephany up with his one arm as she shook from exertion.

“I am sooo sorry for anything I have every said about you or any one you know,” he shook himself as he spoke to her.  Persephany just looked up at Jim and let her head fall against his very solid form.

“Let’s go home.  I think I just got a house.”  Lucas walked over still looking a bit confused but much more stable that the other two wizards following him.  Jim more carried than supported Persephany as they headed to Hanna’s old house.

Marcus was waiting when they walked in and looked at the group several times before asking the obvious question, “Where the hell is Hanna?”

“She made her choice,” Lucas said simply, “and she gave her house to me.”  Jim took a passed out Persephany down into Hanna’s old room and tucked her into the bed.  He turned to see Lucas had followed him.

“If you wake her, I will kill you,” Jim said softly as he sat down next to the bed.  Lucas put his hands up passively and began to look at the different pictures around the room.  There was a knock at the door causing Lucas to swing back out the door and up the stairs.

There was a loud yelling noise and enough racket to wake the dead. 
tents here.
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