Author's note: I think there will be only ten chapters of these story. I'm not sure, though. But be prepared if Chapter Ten will be the end. 'Til then, enjoy this one!
2 months later...
Well, my life definetly changed over this past two months. Day after Eric and I met, I called my mother and said to her that I will be staying with Eric for good. There was some yelling, crying and ''Eric can't take care of you! He can't give you the life your father and I can!'' sentecens on her end. I just shrug it off, and hang up. A week later after that conversation, Eric demanded custady over me. I said that I wanna live with him to the judge, and after some thinking he agreed so now Eric is legally my guardian. That makes me very happy, because he actually dedicates his time to me, and cares greatly about my feelings. He doesn't treat me like a baby, but like a normal adult, and I have a say on every bigger change he makes. You can obviously say that my life took a huge turn and that I am happy where I am now.
I nervously dug my fingernails into my palm as I pressed the doorbell on the apartment door. I was sitting in my wheelchair in the hallway of my Grandma's condo. Eric was currently on a bussines trip so I said that I can stay with Grandma Hannah until he returns. I was nervous now because my Grandmother has a habbit of pulling me in a huge bear hug in which I can't breath and swear that I can hear my bones breaking. This time was no exception.
''Alice!'' - she exclaimed and instantly took me into that fatal hug.
''Uh-huh, Grandma, please let me go, I can't breathe'' - I begged.
''Oh, yes, sorry!'' - she let go of me and I could see her smiling from ear to ear - ''Do you want something to eat? Drink? I made your bed! Oh, let me take of that bag!''
She took my bag and put it into the guest room which would be mine in this three weeks I will spend with her. I couldn't help but laugh at her panicking and yelling if I need something. I said that I don't need anything and she stopped in front of me.
It seemed as if she had her light brown hair tied into a bun all the time. She had her fair share of wrinkles around her eyes and in the corners of her mouth, but all I could see was her dark blue eyes glowing with happines.
I sat onto the stairs in the hallway. I was, once again, pulled into that never endless war inside my head. The war between me and my disease. Sure, I was happy now. My life took a turn I never dreamed it would. A happy one, yes. But my brother couldn't take away my disease and the pain I felt for having it. My mind wondered into that tiny little piece of me. The one who hoped for a cure, and a full recovery. It was pretty stupid to think it is possible when, obviously, it's not. But, I guess hope can never die, right? I laughed at myself. God, I'm stupid. Like this thirteen years weren't enough. I need to face the fact that I will never be healthy. My mind was aware of that. But my heart denied to accept it. My train of thought was interupted by a sound. I looked up and saw a boy in front of me.
''Hi'' - he smiled.
''Um, hi...'' - I said, confused.
He took a seat next to me - ''So, what's your name? I haven't see you around here ever.''
I looked at him, suspicious. What did he want? I was not in a good mood, and if he doesn't back away, this might get ugly.
''What's yours?'' - I answered with a question.
He laughed - ''Are we a bit suspicous?''
''Yes, we are'' - I hissed.
''Look, I'm not gonna do anything to you. And my name is Jonathan Evans'' - he streched out his hand. I accepted it.
''Alice Miles.''
''Friends?'' - he smiled.
I laughed - ''Sure.''
''Uhhh, listen...'' - he said, a bit ashamed - ''Do you wanna go to a park? Like take a walk or something? Shit, I mean...''
''It's okay. We can take a walk. You'll be the only one walking though. Sucker!'' - I said as I got up into my wheelchair and got into the elevator.
''So, are you coming or what?'' - I asked.
He smiled and stood next to me.