Oct 31, 2005 21:03

i was on my way to a job interview today at ICICI Bank. from what i had gathered, they had seen my resume and portfolio on marketing mag and were looking for graphic designers and/or copywriters. just as i'm about to go into the tunnel on the RT, my phone rings. it's ICICI Bank. dude is running late and wants to postpone the interview to later on in the day. it was s'posed to be at 11, he's thinkin' maybe 12:30. that's a first for me... but i was fine with it.

i get downtown, find the building and decide to explore. it's like a 5 minute walk from megan's place, so i knew the area, but i didn't KNOW the area, y'know? i had time to kill, so i got to have a lazy morning in the middle of the 9-to-5 Toronto rush. i got a hot smoothie and some breakfast and tim horton's and double and triple checked the stuff in my portfolio. my phone rings again. it's ICICI Bank. "how's 12-o-clock?" again, fine by me. i was right across the street anyway.

so around 11:45, i make my way over and meet up with the marketing director. he shows me some of the stuff they're working on right now, and explains what it is that they're looking for. i go through my portfolio, show him what i can do, and then we just shoot the shit for a while. he offers me the job on the spot. probably cuz my business atire is so fuckin' PIMP.

my start date is still up in the air though. he's going outta town until the 19th of november, after which he'll be in touch with me about coming in and starting. he said that january would be the latest they're lookin' to have me in. so i got at least a few weeks to just kick around. now here's the weird part: i'm gonna be their whole creative department... well, at least for Toronto. i do everything from copywriting to art directing, to scripting TV and radio spots, to coming up with new promotional partnerships, etc. everything. i'm also the liason between ICICI and the print and production houses (which i get to choose!!!!). that seems like a lot doesn't it? it starts as a contract position at first and, if things go well, i can renegotiate for full time permanent if i want.

i came home and took a nap. i had a day of being a grown up and a night (before) of gettin' high and workin' till morning on my portfolio... so i was burnt out. it's still kinda settling in my head. but... i dunno. it's weird. it's like... i got exactly what i asked for. i still want cossette, and this actually gets me closer to landing that job (now my portfolio is officially finished and i'm ready at a moment's notice to go meet with the CD), but i get to do everything that i wanted to be doing. 1. creative work 2. work for a recognized name 3. use a wide range of my skills and aptitudes 4. work in the downtown core 5. wear cool clothes. it's like... i dunno... i'm on the right track, and i feel it.
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