Hi everyone :) (+ a sim and an apartment building)

Jul 06, 2010 21:25

Hi everyone! For those who don't know me, i'm storyofmylife81(9), but you can just call me Story :)  I finally caved and got a livejournal, because it seems like everyone has one these days. Also, I wanted to have another place besides the exchange to share my creations. Speaking of which, I might as well share what I have recently uploaded to the exchange: a sim and an apartment.

(For future reference, my sims 2 page can be found here and my sims 3 page can be found here)

First off, meet Harper Hensley, my legacy founder who makes the best faces EVER. She is a Libra, and she is a Pleasure sim with Popularity as a secondary aspiration for those who have Free Time. Her turn-ons are brown hair and facial hair, and her turn-off is robots.

You can download her here!

I also created an apartment building, the Hillsdale Apartments, which is composed of two small units, one medium-sized unit, one large unit, a gym, a library, and a lobby. I purposely left the units unfurnished because I feel that you can't furnish a house without knowing its residents!

Download it here!

More pictures of the apartment, including the floorplan, can be found below the cut:


Bottom floor

Middle Floor

Top Floor

The Lobby:

The Library:

The Gym:

downloads: sims, downloads: buildings

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