Aug 04, 2004 09:15
well since everybody is putting up there schedule:
1.spanish 1
2.american history
3.algebra 2 3
and my homeroom is with mrs kushner. i dont like her. its giong to be a diferent school year. plus im a junior!!!
did anybody go to open house? i did and i saw my x-boyfriend. i havent talk to him all summer. so i saw him at school..and i was trying to avoid him. but my mom or my brother didnt know we were walking in the same direction as he was i grabbed my moms arm and told her that we cant go that way blah blah blah...then i explained to her was quit an experience. if i may saw!anywaze i cant believe we have school tommorow ! so exciting but i dont want summer to i didnt get to throw my pool party cuz it was always raining and i was always gone..well thats all folks..bye!
p.s. i hate you nicole for giong to the warpped tour
p.s. i hope you had fun..cause i didnt!