Title: A lovers spat.
Fandom: The Tribe
Characters: Amber, Salene, Trudy, KC.
Pairings: unseen Bray/Lex, Amber/Salene.
Rating: G
Summary: Bray and Lex have been arguing. Again. Others of the tribe discuss the two lovebirds.
A/Notes: Edited, renewed, reposted.
Things had evolved slowly between the two. At first it was mere glances, lingering touches, softer words spoken. Of course they still fought like cat and dog more often than not, exchanging heated words of each other's opinions before storming off one to his room, the other to the other.
Their fellow tribe members had watched the relationship change; it had been obvious to those old enough to figure it out that there was something between them other than the brittle friendship they once had had.
One such heated exchange was currently going on in the lower mall, which Amber, Trudy and Salene listened to from the confines of the dining area. They exchanged a few small smiles and roll of the eyes as the voices carried up to them, before it was over and a few moments Bray stormed up the stairs swept past them and headed for his sleeping quarters.
KC walked along the hallway, having side-stepped the whirlwind of Bray as he passed. Pulling up a chair he joined the women already sitting.
"What was it about this time?" he asked with a grin.
"What is it ever about with those two?" asked Trudy with a shrug.
"Just something to keep them on their toes I suppose," sighed Amber leaning on the table, wrapping fingers around her coffee cup.
"Have you guys noticed ever since those two have gotten closer their arguments are that little more heated?" asked Salene, sitting back and folding her arms.
"Maybe it's a ploy because the making up is so much sweeter after a little fret," smiled Trudy.
"I definitely think they both get a kick out of it," agreed Amber.
"That's when they finally get over it," added KC. "Wonder how long this one will take to get over?"
"I'll bet they'll have made up and be their old married couple selves by supper," said Amber taking a sip of the warm coffee in her cup. "After Lex has a spar with his punch bag and Bray felt he's performed enough of his disappearing act."
"Old married couple," giggled Trudy. "That's quite an accurate description."
She sat back and shook her head slightly with a small smile.
"I know, it feels like they've been together forever the way they go on," said Salene. "You wouldn't think they've only known each other a few years."
"Relationships are like that I guess," said Trudy. "You meet someone and then suddenly, it just feels right. Like you said, its like you've known them all your life."
"Weird isn't it though," said Amber setting her cup on the tabletop. "I mean, those two hated each other at first. Lex was with Zandra, Bray was-"
"With everyone else," giggled Salene.
"Well not all of us got on when we first met," said Trudy. "Heck it's took this long for us to like KC."
"Hey," said KC a little put out, but seeing Trudy's teasing smile he gave a little grin himself.
"It's just took them a little while to get started," continued Trudy.
"In between arguments they seem to be making up for lost time," smiled Salene before making a move and starting to clear the cups from the table they were sitting at.
"To be honest," started Trudy, handing Salene a cup that sat before her. "I thought I'd be a little uncomfortable about it. But I haven't been at all."
"Times have changed," shrugged Amber. "We don't judge now like we did before. Weirdly perhaps something good did come of the virus. I mean everyone became equal, we were all thrown into the same boat, we need to survive and so all our pre conceived ideas of society were thrown out of the window."
"Yeah I know, maybe I mean, well its Lex and Bray."
"Two peas from very different pods you mean," said Salene having cleared the cups and now wiping down the table with a damp cloth.
"Exactly," agreed Trudy.
"Opposites attract," mumbled Amber stretching out her legs.
"Very true," said Trudy making to stand.
"So you think by supper they'll be over it?" asked KC a glint in his eye as they all started to stand. He was not someone to allow the opportunity of making a small bet go for any reason. "Care to make a wager?"
Trudy rolled her eyes and started to walk off with a slight air of disdain, but a twinkle of her own in her eye.
"KC why don't you go make yourself useful," said Salene, dropping the damp cloth on a bench in the kitchen and pushing in a few chairs at tables.
"Come one, if they aren't sitting together at supper tonight, I get an extra helping." pressed KC with a sly smile at the thought of extra food on his plate.
"And if they aren't?" asked Amber folding her arms.
"I'll sweep the mall stairs and the upper mall as well as the lower mall," thinking of what cleaning duties he was on that evening.
Amber and Salene eyed each other, exchanging a small smile, before Amber extended a hand.
"You're on KC," she agreed. KC took her hand and gave it a swift shake before he disappeared down the mall steps.
"Alright," he muttered with glee.
Amber and Salene walked together along the upper mall hall with smiles.
"Think they will have made up by supper?" asked Salene as they leaned on the upper mall railings, looking down at the floor beneath.
"The way that argument went on, I'll bet they are making out by dinner never mind supper," grinned Amber.
"Me too," giggled Salene. "Course I wasn't going to tell KC that."
"Means we get off cleaning duty tonight."
"Get to have some making out time of our own then," smiled Salene, slipping an arm around Amber's waist lightly.
Amber frowned a little glancing over to her.
"We have to wait till suppertime for that?" she asked, a gleam in her eye.
"Sometimes I like making you wait," said Salene teasingly. "Makes the reward that much sweeter."
"Oh really?" grinned Amber digging Salene slightly in the ribs.
Salene squirmed at the touch and pushed Amber slightly away playfully.
"Yes really," she giggled as Amber tried for the dig a second time. "Hey no fair!"
Amber seemed quite happy to continue the onslaught of wandering fingers, which Salene seemed quite happy to try and contend with. After another playful dig she spun on her heel and headed for their quarters, her lover close behind.