So, some people in my faithgroup wanted to see photos, so the next couple of posts are just going to be more of the same-old, same-old, me barfing pretty things onto the web.
Uhh, wow. Sorry, that was a really gross metaphor. Well, I'm exhausted now. Is that a good enough excuse to use disgusting metaphors? Hmm, maybe not. Since all I did today was draw, color, and write. I have no reason to be this tired. Or use metaphors. ;-) (*grin* What can I say? It's the weekend.)
These photos are all of various old stuff we saw. Y'know, like piles of rocks that used to BE things.
Roman ruins.
Hall built by crusaders in the town of Akko.
The Southern Wall of the Old City in Jerusalem,
that once was the southern wall of the 2nd Temple,
built by Herod the Great.
The dome belongs to a mosque.
Pigeons sitting on the archway that is the only
surviving part of the former entrance to the Temple
built by Herod.
The Church of the Nazarene, built on top of the house
historically believed to be the house of St. Peter. Around
it are the ruins of a Jewish fishing town off the coast
of Galilee. The ruins under the church have 3 layers:
the house of St. Peter, where there is evidence of an
early house church, with Hebrew writing inscribed onto
the stones, saying "Jesus," "Savior," "Lord," etc.
Next come ruins of 2 early Catholic churches--
one of them is octagonally shaped.
Shrine on top of Calvary, in the
Shrine of the Holy Sepulchre.