Fandom Snowflake Challenge - Day 4 & Day 5

Jan 07, 2017 15:37

Day 4 was to comment on someone's post that I didn't know. - COMPLETE.

Day 5 - In your own space, post recs for at least three fanworks that you did not create. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.

Okay, so I've had a bunch set aside to rec for a very long time, so three...two of these are from Yuletide.

1. If We're Strong Enough by thisissirius - The Martian, Chris Beck/Mark Watney - it's possible I'm bias because it was a gift for me, but I really enjoyed this. I loved the mix of happiness that Mark was rescued and alive, but the guilt and issues that come with what had happened to both of them.

2. You Might Think I'm Crazy by minim_calibre - What's Your Number, Ally Darling/Colin Shea - Set after the movie ends, it explores the relationship between Ally and Colin and I love the different sides to both of them as they move forward.

3. And So the Wheel Turns by cleo4u2 - Captain America/MCU, Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes - an AU where Bucky doesn't fall from the train, but Steve still goes into the ice. A lot of focus on Bucky finding out how to live his life without Steve and then the two of them finding a way to come back together when Steve returns. I really enjoyed this.

recs: my recs, fandom: snowflake challenge

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